View Full Version : My Word Im Sore

06-01-08, 20:59
before i start this is my first time on a site like this so i would just like to say hi to everyone

just wondered if anyone could give me some advice i have suffered in silence now for 13 months everyday getting up with pain and going bed with pain xmas eve 06 it started a sudden onset of pain in the chest (thought it was my heart) but was told it was muscular in 2007 i visited my local a&e dept 37 times i have had ecgs done enzime bloods done heart scan done stomach scan done all comin back normal my cholestaral level is 5.2 my blood pressur is a little raised at 159/90 my heart seems to race daily and i got a bad habit of keep checking it every 10 mins or so i am a stone over weight and i have changed my lifestyle compleatly but still the muscle aches are still with me i get aches in my left right or central chest my left rib cage feels like its been punched by ricky hatton on days i get jaw ache my left arm aches mostly elbow and wrist my stomach as been giving me some grief lately too i also feel very nausea i have been made unemployed by this and prob unemployable so if any of you lovely people have any ideas what it is or ways to ease it i would be forver be in your debt thanx in advance vic xxxx ps forgot to say im male and 39 if this has any bearing

06-01-08, 21:49
Hi Vic,

Welcome to NMP.
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
If you check out the Main Menu,you will find lots of information to help you.
Firstly,you are most definitely not alone in the symptoms you describe.I am 43,male and can identify with you.
It is very easy to get drawn deeper and deeper into a pattern of anxious behaviour-this includes constantly checking your pulse.
By the sounds of things,the hospital seem satisfied that your problem is NOT of a coronary nature.
I would advise you to make an appointment with your GP and "lay your cards on the table."Sometimes symptoms like ours can be attributable to things like thyroid problems which can and do respond to simple treatments.It is vital that you get a correct diagnosis.
I would urge you to be persistent though patient in doing this.Not all doctors are sympathetic to anxiety sufferers-if that is indeed your problem.
Getting to know the people here can help greatly in understanding how common your symptoms are amongst anxiety sufferers.To realize that I was not alone in facing this has given me perspective and has lessened my anxiety.
You have obviously come through a very tough time. Please do not concern yourself unnecessarily with gloomy thoughts about your future employment prospects. Many people here do work and have learned coping mechanisms to make this possible. You are far from the scrapheap.
Please read and re-read your thread.See if you can learn to accept that you have received POSITIVE news through your hospital visits-your heart sounds o.k.
Give yourself a pat on the back for the efforts you have made to look after your health!
Best wishes,

06-01-08, 23:41
I have chronic muscular pain in my upper back which radiates to my chest, arms and ribs. It is apparently all due to anxiety. I have recently started seeing an Osteopath who gives me acupuncture too. Its early days but there has been a slight improvement although today i feel like ive been beaten up again. I also get it in my jaw and have constant ringing in my right ear.
I have tried all sorts of painkillers but nothing works. It is the constant pain which has led to panic attacks and its all just a vicious circle. I started on Citalopram 10 days ago but am still going through the initial unpleasant side effects but im hoping if these reduce my anxiety i can start to break the cycle. I have been advised to swim twice a week as well and im going to join a gym this week.
Muscluar pain is a common symptom on here so im sure you'll get plenty of replies.
Best wishes
Donna :D