View Full Version : Low abdominal left hand ache...HELP

06-01-08, 21:36

Can anyone reassure me that I have not got something life threatning. I keep getting a ache like trapped wind on the left hand side of my body near my groin. I daredn't google it as I am afraid what it could be. It seems to be worse 10 mins before going to the toilet and then after for a while. I never seem to suffer first thing in a morning and it seems to be present as a twitch/muscle tightness when twisting or walking. It is never more than a ache as described above but it is very localised in my lower left groin area. It is worse if I tense my lower abdomen when I have a belt on also.

Please could someone put my mind to rest as it is freaking me out. I don't want to go to the docs because if it is a Anx symptom I am just feeding the anxiety and I keep going to the docs in the past.


06-01-08, 21:41
hi there,

lower left hand side is the last part of your bowel and is a very common area for discomfort. I did baby massage and noticed you could actually feel errr poo in this area :blush: sorry if tmi.

Your fine and don't google, ive done that enough times for the both of us:D

love anx xx

06-01-08, 21:48
Thanks Anx

I have no other symptoms except this ache. No loose movements etc. It just makes me worry that I have developed a ache there.


06-01-08, 21:58
It will be wind, muscle spasam etc. If it were anything else (which its not) you would have other symptoms. I know what you mean about feeding anxiety. I try not to run to the gps at the slightest thing as it makes you worse.
I had a bout of indegestion a few months back that lasted a couple of weeks, i eventually went to the gps and she said its indegestion and prescribed antiacids. I was so worried because i'd never had it before. She just said 'we get these things' I'm fine now.

love anx x