View Full Version : Just introducing myself

28-02-05, 13:19
My name is jeannie and I am 43 years old. Until about a year ago I didn't know what was wrong with me, but now I know that my problems have got a name - OCD. Although I've been in and out of therapy for years I always kept the OCD to myself. After becoming ill again after a 14 year break I went back into therapy with my old therapist and after a yeras therapy I eventually opened up properly to him.
I mainly suffer from obsessive thoughts and only sometimes compulsions, although really I suffer from both.
I have three children and a husband and have moments when I think I might stab them to death, which obviously I would never do. I'm petrified of knives and keep them generally out of my reach. During the day time it isn't too bad, but at night I sometimes get very scared which started making me drink more in the evenings so I could go to sleep faster. If I'm not worried about killing somebody, then I'm worried about having hurt somebody else's fellings or am worried that certain people who mean a lot to me are mad at me or I'm scared of getting some terrible illness. Generally I hear something or see something on TV and it all goes from there, depending on how my mood is. SOmetimes things won'T upset me at all and other times.....
I can think of things for hours on end and come to absolutely no conclusion. SOmetimes I try and tell myself what a waste of time this thinking is, but I still can't stop. I seem to have built up a "safety net" around me, which is my OCD. I need to ruminate to feel safe and check that I'm not doing anything wrong, but in the end it just upsets me and wears me out.
Five weeks ago I asked my therapist to put me on medication, because I felt it would help me to calm down and work better in the therapy.
I'm now on Fluoxetine and he was quite pleased with me when he saw me last, because although I still have my classic symtoms I felt better and could talk in the therapy about things I'd never talked about before.
He then threw me into an attack on purpose, which I found extremely upsetting, but he really tried to pick me up and help me. I went home suffering quite badly from my OCD, but am telling myself that it is just the OCD which is making me ruminate all the time.
I know OCD is caused because of chemical inbalances in the brain, but I also think that because I had to sort my own scarey problems out as a child (I was always worrying about things) - my mum kept telling me not to be á hypochondriac and laughed at the things I was scared of - that I must have found this way of making me feel secure, which of course OCD doesn't really.
I'm a very insecure person and although I do an awful lot to help others I often feel bad and not such a good person after all.
I hope my medication starts to work better in the next few weeks. I'M on 40mg. I did hear thet fluoxetine only works for OCD by 60 mg, but I'll have to see.
Thanks a lot for listening to me.

best wishes,

28-02-05, 14:20
Hi Jeannie,

Welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place as you will receive lots of help and support from a very friendly bunch of people.

I don't suffer OCD, but suffer with anxiety/panic attacks and depression for th last 5 years and I have always been a worrier too. I have got a lot better since starting new medication last August but still suffer to a certain degree.

I hope you will find this site helpful and there is always someone here to give advice and support.

Good luck with the medication, I am sure it will help.
Take care and hope to hear more from you.
Love Lisaxx

28-02-05, 14:39
Hi Jeannie

Welcome - Glad to hear you have recognised your issues and are having some good help now.

Much of what you refer to in the thoughts is relevant in anxiety without the OCD too.

*Generally I hear something or see something on TV and it all goes from there, depending on how my mood is.* Have you read the Health anxiety page on the homepages ?

You might want to pay www.ocduk.org a visit

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

28-02-05, 14:44
hi jeanie welcome to the site,I am sure u will get lots of help here. I have sufferd years too but not OCD its anxiety panic and bad feas i get. but i can relate to OCD becouse when i look back my wife and i used to take our young children into town most days and had to walk over a rail bridge, I would be real scared all night the night before and realy try to talk wife into going somewhere els or a different route, as I kept thinking i might puch my kids over the brige and kill them. It was horrible i never ever told anyone this and i realy hated myself for thinking such horrid things. This only lasted a couple of years and drove me mad as i dare nit tell anyone what i was thingking. I dont suffer this anymore as i said i suffer anxiety panic and lots of phobias. I never heared of OCD at the time but now i am sure that is what it was. But dont ley it get you down just think to yourself they are just thoughts and not real. anyway if u fancy a chat anytime we have a chatroom at


usualy someone in each night about 8 30pm onwards. take care for now. Vernon

28-02-05, 14:54
Hi Jeanie

Welcome to the site. You've been through a tough time but it seems like things are starting to get better for you. Well done for facing your problems..that took courage.
You'll find lots of support and advice here.


'Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire'

28-02-05, 15:50
Hi Jeanie

Welcome to the site. You sound quite positive by your post and you understand the whys and wherefores. I am sure given time your medication will help you, but that is the problem with meds they do take time to start working.

Hope you get all the help you need on here.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

28-02-05, 15:57
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

28-02-05, 17:00
Hi Jeannie, nice to meet you, so to speak.

OK, I'll try to be brief here. I have had similar thoughts to you in the past and occasionally still do, I think they were the result of anxiety related to depression. I spent years trying to stop these thoughts because they were so against the type of person I am. This is the reason for them Jeannie, we tend to have "bad" thoughts about people we love and ideas we hold true. This is so distressing that we try to block these thoughts out, but do you know what? If you just let them come while at the same time understanding they are just "mind rubbish" then they can't stay. It is true, let them come and accept them as nothing and they will eventually stop coming or at the very least slow right down to almost nothing.

I've only recently had the courage to do this Jeannie, about 4 weeks ago I started, and the result has been amazing. I don't give the mind rubbish any importance and it just slinks off with its tail between it's legs.

Take care Jeannie. :)


Japanese Proverb:
Fall seven times; stand up eight.

28-02-05, 17:31
Good for you Blue - glad its working well.

Its good when you get the knack.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

28-02-05, 19:09
Hi Jeannie

Welcome aboard the forum and I hope we can be of some help to you on here.


28-02-05, 19:39
Hi there
Welcome to the site. I'm sure you will find plently of help and support here to help you through this.
Take care

28-02-05, 20:42
Hi Jeannie

Welcome to the forum. I also have these kinds of obsessive thoughts about someone I care about being hurt, killed in an accident or becoming ill. This leads to me having compulsions to check that she is around and safe. If I'm not thinking she has been hurt, I'm obsessing that I have upset her in some way. I recognise that these are obsessive thoughts, but it doesn't stop me from having them.

It is good you are having treatment for this and I hope the medication helps.

You'll find a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-03-05, 00:03
Hi Jeannie

Welcome to the site, you'll get lots of help and support here

Take care

01-03-05, 01:00

Welcome to the forum.
You have been through a difficult time but it sounds as though you are being very positive & having treatment.
I suffer with anxiety/panic but do get the 'bad thoughts' when I feel stressed. Have been on meds for about 4 months &, once over the early stages of taking them, they have definitely helped.

I hope you find the site helpful & supportive.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

01-03-05, 09:04
Thank you all very much for making me feel so welcome and not like somebody who needs to be put away[:I]

Like "bluebottle" I, too was able to put the thoughts away by just letting them come. However, there came a time where I was too scared to do this any more.... I know it sounds mad and I started ruminating once more. Sometimes I couldn't give my kids a good night kiss, because I was petrified that I'd hurt them when I came back down again and just couldn't believe that I hadn'T done anything to them. The older my kids are getting the easier it is for me, because I now think they are big enough to fight me if I ever did anything to hurt them. Isn'T this all rubbish.
Like Vernon I will do anything to hide from the situation, which is scaring me.
It really does help to hear other people saying practically the same thing.
My therapist told me that people who really do harm others just don't go to the same amount of trouble worrying about what they might do. They do it and don't care!!! SO, perhaps this is some help to all others, too?
Anyway, thanks again.

Jeannie XX

01-03-05, 09:15

Absolutely right.

Those who do harm find these thoughts comforting and helpful in their mood- not getting scared and so worried about them.

Great that you were able previously to let teh thoughts come and pass - you know how to do it so try that route again.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-03-05, 09:57
Hi jeannie
Welcome to the site. I'm quite new here too and I'm still amazed and relieved to find so many people that have experienced the same horrible symptoms as me. I too suffer from what I now know is OCD (amongst other things). I have never told anyone about it, I wouldn't know where to start.

It has helped me to read what your therapist said about those that do harm others.
Take care