View Full Version : Health Anx and more

06-01-08, 22:33
My health anx is pretty bad at the moment and I am feeling very low :weep:

I used to like coming to this site but at the moment am feeling really bad because of stuff that is going on here too, which isnt helping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to all the kind people who have helped me and been so nice when I have felt bad. I hope

Take care of yourselves and if anyone ever fancies a chat about anxiety pm me

XXXXX Claire

06-01-08, 22:34
p.s am not leaving just feeling low and keeping a low profile until I feel a bit better xxxxxx

06-01-08, 22:35
Feel the same as you!! SOme stuff on here I cannot even read as it sets me off worse, you know like the meningitis thread? Too scarey too read.
We must be positive. One day we look back at this and laugh.
Heres to being neurotic, and here is to changing for the better.

06-01-08, 22:57
I understand completely, I tend to come on here in spurts. I really hope you start to feel better though because I think being able to talk with others going through the same thing is really good for us.
Anytime you need to talk please feel free to pm me.
Take care

06-01-08, 22:59
I agree

Are we helping each other. I only read the threads that apply to my own symptoms or thoughts. We are all very susceptable to suggestion and reading threads that have a true health condition attached is creating the thought that "it can happen". We need good news...Laying low is a good idea. If you need someone to talk to then NMP new threads are a great start. I am not sure about reading other peoples problems is the way to beat this.

Love always

06-01-08, 23:21
:hugs: Claire :hugs: pm me anytime hun :hugs: xxx

06-01-08, 23:33
Hi Claire

I am not sure what stuff is upsetting you so please PM me if you have any worries at all.