View Full Version : needing too much sleep

06-01-08, 23:23
I suffer with panic disorder as some of you already know and also have the extra heart beat stuff going on every day. I also find myself exhausted after being awake for 5 or 6 hours. Then I need a few hours sleep which makes me ok again. Am I alone?

07-01-08, 08:38
I am exhausted after an hour or two of being up in the mornings. I HAVE to go back to sleep for a couple for a couple of hours to make me feel okay, but i am worn out again by 6pm. I go to bed between 10 - 11pm so not even late. Every night while i am doing dinner i do it in a haze of tiredness and dizziness (i get dizzy when i am too tired!).

You are not alone!


07-01-08, 11:12
I am like you I love my bed. It's kind of the only place I feel safe and sort of locked away from the world for a while. Its like no-one can get me there.
Being depressed and anxious really does make you tired though, its a struggle to do anything at all.

07-01-08, 12:38
wow!!! I don't feel so alien anymore.....

I thought I was just getting lazy. I don't think I'm lazy but people around me don't understand. Neither do the Incapacity people who are getting harsher and harsher it seems.

Thanks guys for posting...I mean it

07-01-08, 12:42
I sleep 13-14 hours a day. At first I thought it was the medication but I don't think it is. It's just feeling so drained after panic attacks and like a few people have already said, being in bed makes you feel safe.

07-01-08, 12:51
yes..I feel safer home alone and in bed too. Hence no long term relationships....I'm 48 and will be alone forever now

07-01-08, 12:54
Don't say that. This is something you can and will overcome. We all will. Are you actively seeking help? There are so many people out there who will be willing to help - from friends and family to professionals. If you haven't already, now is the time to start.
Right now, my panic disorder and the amount I sleep (and when I don't sleep I want to!) is really affecting my university work, I'm failing. I can't get a job and therefore have no money, I can't build new relationships. But I know that it's a tough spot and when I'm back on track, everything will be great.
Positive thinking.

07-01-08, 12:58
Good to think positive....not easy though is it? I have tried to get help but there is a two year waiting list...and I have no family now. My friends don't understand and have basically abandoned me...guys eh lol

Thanks for supportive message though....kind words

07-01-08, 13:06
hi omg wished i cud sleep lol any one got any tips i only sleep 4 hours a day if that .im sooooo tired but cant sleep cuz my mind thinking constantly and ppl like us you wont be alone for ever dnt say that lol tc elaine x

08-01-08, 02:01
If we feel anxious by day then our subconscious will keep the anxiety going whilst we sleep so although we sleep, we don't get any truly beneficial sleep because our minds are restless so we feel tired when we wake up.

The only way to have a good nights sleep is to learn ways of relaxing the mind before we go to bed through a relaxing winding down ritual such as reading a book, listening to music etc to help switch off.

Kalms "can" make people feel drowsy and there are also other natural remedies but the effects may not last all night long.

If we go to bed with troubled thoughts, we won't sleep well.

08-01-08, 10:43
peoplelikeus - Time to get some new friends I reckon! Try the chatrooms - everyones really lovely and supportive. I'm sure eventually you'll find members in your area who will have experienced the same things. I have the same problem, there's a massive waiting list for CBT and I've not been prescribed any more drugs (which I'll be seeing the doc about soon) and even have to wait for counselling at uni. So right now I'm doing my best trying to help myself. Learn about your panic and understand it - it's the first step. As for being tired all the time, are you on medication? And you're right, it's easier said than done - but so what? Doesn't mean you can't do it right? It's all about finding the drive within yourself. And you will.

ladygrom - I have the same problem but in a different way. I stay awake until I physically can't anymore (because I'm panicky and think something terrible will happen in my sleep) then conk out for hours and hours. I think you need to try some relaxation as Bill said. Getting in the right frame of mind before going to bed would really help.

08-01-08, 13:29
I don't go in the chat rooms after someone told me it was all in my head and was really nasty. Can't cope with that at the moment. He said I should snap out of it like he had done so himself.

Oh well.....new friends? think I'd depress them lol

I appreciate the support though. Really do.

08-01-08, 14:43
That's ridiculous.
Well talk to me any time you want :) if you have MSN PM me and I'll give you my email address. I won't tell you to snap out of it.

08-01-08, 15:51
I Think the long dark nights and horrible cold damp weather has a lot to do with me being extra tired. I don’t work as I am registered disabled (registered blind). When the weather was warmer and lighter in summer months I did feel a lot better (less tired) and was always finding things to do and keep busy in the garden. It was a push at times to get rid of the tiredness but was able to do it. But now I am getting up really really tired 11am and even later and am sure I could just stay there all day if I don’t push real hard to get up. I have quite a big garden, Pond and a big workshop and have pushed myself to go into the workshop just for a clean up etc, but the cold damp dull light weather wins and I return indoors and just work hard to stay awake. So it may be a winter thing? Take care, Vernon

08-01-08, 17:07
seasonal affective disorder?

08-01-08, 20:24
I could sleep the clock round if I allowed myself to. I set my alarm to make sure I get up at a reasonable hour. By mid morning I am ready to go back to bed so I busy myself or go out to stop me from going to sleep. If I don't set my alarm I am lucky if I am up in time for dinner. I put it down to the medication for the PA's.

08-01-08, 20:56
Same with me. Need loads of sleep. I think it may be due to the stress the panic attacks place on the body, ie. excess cortisol etc.

08-01-08, 21:10
The tiredness is because of all the adreneline we use up - completely draining.

Most of the medications I have had have made me feel mega tired - so if anyone is on meds these can be causing the tiredness as well.

If the body needs sleep having been worn out by anxiety I say just sleep and don't feel any guilt whatsoever. Sleep is good medication lol.

Bed is nice innit - especially with a good book about anxiety lol.

Love to all. x

08-01-08, 21:13
I sleep really well at night but I do find sometimes not every day but somedays I have to lie down on the couch for an hour as I feel so drained, don't know if its the medication or the anxiety and depression causing it and then sometimes I have wonderful days with lots of energy, can't understand it really.
Peoplelikeus, whenever I go in the chatroom I have found wonderful caring people to talk to, so sorry you had a bad experience in there but please don't let one person put you off.
love Mags xxx:winks:

08-01-08, 22:05
I've started reading my Claire Weekes book and it is interesting to see what she says about tiredness, like Yvonne says, it's the persistent adrenalin and being over sensitized that adds to the wasted feeling of exhaustion.

08-01-08, 22:06
The tiredness is because of all the adreneline we use up - completely draining.

Most of the medications I have had have made me feel mega tired - so if anyone is on meds these can be causing the tiredness as well.

If the body needs sleep having been worn out by anxiety I say just sleep and don't feel any guilt whatsoever. Sleep is good medication lol.

Bed is nice innit - especially with a good book about anxiety lol.

Love to all. x


08-01-08, 22:09
I sleep really well at night but I do find sometimes not every day but somedays I have to lie down on the couch for an hour as I feel so drained, don't know if its the medication or the anxiety and depression causing it and then sometimes I have wonderful days with lots of energy, can't understand it really.
Peoplelikeus, whenever I go in the chatroom I have found wonderful caring people to talk to, so sorry you had a bad experience in there but please don't let one person put you off.
love Mags xxx:winks:

I'm not much of a chat room guy to be honest anyway....

thanks for all your support guys n gals

you're all sensitive and great

09-01-08, 16:47
Not too sure where I fall on the scale on this subject. I have ALWAYS had issues with sleeping. In general, it takes me AAAAAAGES to fall asleep, even if I feel quite tired. But then once I'm actually asleep, it could take a bomb blast to wake me.
I'd say I can very very easily sleep for a good 12-14 hours, and while a good alarm clock is always helpful to try and keep some sort of routine in there, I'm more often likely to sleep right through it (even at full volume) and wake up hours later instead, feeling groggy as hell.

I have a swinging cycle as well, for a while it will sort of normalise - I'll be tired earlyish and I'll be up early the next day, but then after maybe a couple of week, it all turns on its head. Repeat ad infinitum!

Tried all sorts to correct the pattern, but nothing much works (for long).

10-01-08, 19:19
Not too sure where I fall on the scale on this subject. I have ALWAYS had issues with sleeping. In general, it takes me AAAAAAGES to fall asleep, even if I feel quite tired. But then once I'm actually asleep, it could take a bomb blast to wake me.
I'd say I can very very easily sleep for a good 12-14 hours, and while a good alarm clock is always helpful to try and keep some sort of routine in there, I'm more often likely to sleep right through it (even at full volume) and wake up hours later instead, feeling groggy as hell.

I have a swinging cycle as well, for a while it will sort of normalise - I'll be tired earlyish and I'll be up early the next day, but then after maybe a couple of week, it all turns on its head. Repeat ad infinitum!

Tried all sorts to correct the pattern, but nothing much works (for long).

I know exactly how that is. It's so frustrating because I waste entire days by waking up at 4 in the afternoon. It's at the stage now where I have to have someone come into my room to wake me up if I have to be up for something important. Even then there's no guarantee I'm only half awake telling them I'll be up in a minute. Even human alarm clocks don't work with me most of the time.
But what can you do...

11-01-08, 12:33
I love my bed and could happily stay in it all day lol even before the meds!

11-01-08, 13:26
sounds like me :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

11-01-08, 14:16
Don;t you reckon it gets worse when it's cold and wet outside and your bed is all warm and comfy lol

celia davies
11-01-08, 22:02
Well im 21 years of age an should have alot of energy really but i just find myself drained everyday,i feel like just falling asleep everytime a sit on the sofa or get in the car! It seems 2 b getting worse an worse is this normal because im not even having panic attacks xx:huh:

11-01-08, 22:12
I'm completely mesmerised by my persistent tiredness and lack of motivation. I stopped my meds 5 weeks ago as they weren't helping me and I'd hoped the doppiness would fade away but I'm still zombie-like today.

12-01-08, 14:54
something I forgot

When I get this tiredness come over me my heart missed beats get worse until I've slept when they go back to normal.