View Full Version : Fears

06-01-08, 23:41
Hi all

I am new to this site but have suffered from Anxiety and panic for a long time - I take cipramil for it. When I get stressed I worry about dying and think about it a lot - the fear of it all ending etc etc and I am wasting my life away. I also tend to drink and smoke too much on the weekends which makes me worse but a habit that in the short term helps my panic. The odd thing is that I have a great life - good job, wonderful partner (I broke up with my husband a year ago so going through a divorce at the moment). I am also wanting to move back to the UK after living in OZ for 8 years so I guess I am at a change in my life. Any advise or help on how I can stop worrying about the future and thinking about death and Panicking!!! Thanks all Jo x

07-01-08, 05:06
hi your certainly arnt alone with your fears i feel exactly the same its aful i no how you feel tc elaine xx

07-01-08, 10:29
Even though you feel everything is going well it sounds like you have a lot going on in your life right now. I often get anxiety when life seems too hectic, even if it's good hectic (if you know what I mean) too many things to think about can be a real anxiety causer. Once things tend to fall into place and you move and the divorce comes through etc, there'll be less on your mind and im sure it will lighten the load.


07-01-08, 12:16
I agree with Ben, it seems to be the fact that have a lot of things going on at the moment and this can always make panic/anxiety worse.

I think you should just keep an eye on the drinking because I used to drink a lot and it never helped my anxiety, made it worse in fact, because alcohol is a depressant. I just tend to be more mindful of how much I am drinking and this avoids me getting panicky whilst I'm out and waking up the next morning feeling really down.

Try not to be too hard on yourself, you cannot get everything sorted in one go. One thing that has helped me is to make a list of things you need to do and just keep an eye on where you are with them. This saves you sitting there, with your head spinning, not knowing what to do next.


07-01-08, 14:15
Hi Joanne,

Welcome to NMP.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

I am glad that you are doing something positive about your health.
You will get loads of support and advice here.
Drinking to excess is bad for you-it might feel like it's helping but it does not.Alcohol is a depressant and long-term misuse can only lead to long-term problems.Cutting down would be great for you.
(I am an alcoholic-nine years sober so have personal experience of this subject).
You do have a lot on your plate at the minute so it is no surprise that you are anxious.
Things can and will get better with hard work on your part.
Best wishes,