View Full Version : Panic Attacks or Seizures

07-01-08, 04:00
I was helping someone the otherday who had just been diagnoised with Panic Disorder understand how Panic Attacks cannot hurt them!! However, they asked me about seizures and panic attacks. I didn't really know that they are sometimes misdiagnoised as one or the other. What are the differences between sizures and panic attacks?

Rachey poos
07-01-08, 10:10
i dont know... but when my husband suffered p.a he used to a kind of seizure...his hands would fold upwards and he mouth would look like he was having a stroke...he would also collapse...the doc said it was all symptoms of hyperventilating... but still a p.a..... this prob dont help u any further lol x

07-01-08, 10:16
A seizure is usually physiological, where a panic attack is psychological. Though you can mimic a seizure in a severe panic attack. This level of panic, I've only ever experience once. The only way I can describe it is that every muscle in your body is in a continues state of contraction. I think the worst part about it was having terrible pins-&-needles from head to foot. However, a quick jab of Valium soon stopped it when I got to the hospital. It's very very rare, so please don't worry about it.

07-01-08, 18:46
i had an attack where all my muscles started shaking and when i explained this to the doc at the hospital he said its not a seizure as i didnt loose conciousness.

just severe anxiety where my muscles went mad. and yes valium works.!