View Full Version : What Is Wrong With Me, I Neeeeeeeeed Answers:(

07-01-08, 07:25
I have the worst case of panic disorder, pure o(mental ocd), depression and depersonalization derealization.

I had so much panic attacks, I no longer have the ability to feel panic or anything else. Nervous system shut down.
I have so bad mental obsessive thoughts I have never a normal thought anymore, their so psychotic, its insane.
Examples: IS THIS A DREAM? AM I GOD? DO OTHERS EXIST? these 3 have been running 24/7 in my head the last 2 years CONSTANT.
I'm so depressed I want to die(but i don't feel depressed so when I cry, eventhough I haven't shed a tear in about 9months, it's no release of emotions).
the depersonalization desentized me so bad I can cut myself and not feel it NOT EVEN PHYSICALLY, I CAN SHOWER ICECOLD WATER, NOT FEEL IT.
The derealization who acused my psychotic thinking is so bad I see everything like I was on LSD or worse.

I recieved a severe concussion when I was ranning through the hallway, jumped over my cat and crushed my head in the doorway.
Didn't go unconscious but was f**ked up for days or weeks(dont have sense of time anymore, dont even know what month or year it is).
after this was the first time i coudnt achieve a erection.
I can get a erection(80% hard), but NO arousal, give me 1000 naked supermodels ready to do anything I wish and I wont get horny.
this new years eve I just wanted to forget it all, got drunk as f**k, high as f**k, ate a lot of pills, drove around drunk(yea i dont give a f if a die), was at this party, 2 of us crashed(i didnt even notice, im so bad) had sex with this girl, I got hard (80% like) but didnt feel the sexual arousal AT f**kING ALL and why don't I get 100% hard?!

Did my concussion cause brain damage and I will never have a normal sexual life again?

PLEASE answer me, I'm dying

2 years ago, at this very time, I was a normal teenager,dad died, smoked too much weed, got a panic attack and ALL THIS is the result WTF!?

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07-01-08, 08:29
hi realy sorry to hear wat you going threw m8 you arnt dying your anxiety levels on a high ive been ther depersonlisatin and derelisation god i thought id cracked and was dying.it was all triggered off by my sis dying at 31 maybe your dads death as triggered your anxiety off ,its like living in a dream and not feeling real as tho your in a different world and different surroundins very hard explain i no that.have you seen doc or taking meds m8.if you wanna talk bout it hope to speak to you in chat or pm me il try help all i can .i realy understand you defo arnt alone tc elaine xxx

miss motown
07-01-08, 23:31
hi there i just want to say when i was young a very long time ago ha, i messed about with drugs as you do when your young but one night i took an lsd trip and it was the worst night of my life that was 28years ago and im still suffering from it i have a young nephew who takes canabis every day and night he,s wittnessed his cousin dying infront of him and he,s lost a few freinds thru drugs he suffers panic attacks and he looses it now and againe ive tried talkin to him about the affects drugs can have on you but he dosent listen have you tried knockin the canabis and other shit in the head as its all the crap your takin thats messin you up if you were to leave it alone you might feel alot better takecare and try and get your head together

07-01-08, 23:40
Hi there

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time.

Please can we calm the language down a bit though as you set the filter off many times and there is no need to swear so much even though things are difficult for you.

You are not dying I assure you.

Are you getting any help from the doctors and the like?

07-01-08, 23:47
I feel like I've tried it all except suicide.
Ive done meds(made me worse) done therapy twice etc etc.
Tried all alternative medicine(which is 100% placebo, doesnt work).
What I really want to know is: WTF is wrong wit my erection?
This cause me EXTRA added depression anxiety.

I stopped cannabis for 1.5years, didn't help at all, I didn't even drink in that period, only exerccised and tried to get e btter, but I just get worse.
Could it be braindamage from the concssion? Cause I HAVE NEVER EVER heard of erection problems age 18.
Befoer I could have 10 erections in a row when I had sex nwo I can't have ONE normally WTF?

08-01-08, 00:09
Umm ok enough of the manly problems !

Why don't you see the doc about it ?

Personally I think it could be in your mind and cos you worry about it - it happens