View Full Version : Do I Have An Anxiety Disorder

28-02-05, 14:31
im almost 14. since the summer i turned 13 i have had about 5 or 6 panic attacks. i have them when i go to ice skating lessons. which i have been doing since i was 2 with no problem. i can even compete with no anxiety attacks. i also have them horse back riding. which i have been doing off and on since i was 5. i am not afraid of horses. and the most strange one is when i go to church. im an alter server for 2 years now and i just started having them. my anxiety attacks are so bad that i have had to leave the alter to throw up. my heart starts racing, i break out in a cold sweat, i get dizzy, i have almost fainted, i start seeing black spots. it had gotten so bad when i was horse back riding that i had to quit. i scared to go back to church.

28-02-05, 14:53
I'm sorry you're having a rough time. Best thing to do is to go to your GP, embrace the wisdom of the people on here and try and regain some control in dealing with how you feel. Have you thought about medication? Counselling?

Best wishes, and don't worry, you're not alone.

28-02-05, 15:02
i really dont want to have counseling or medication. my friend had an anxiety disorder and became depressed especially after they put him on 3 different medications. they also admitted him into a mental hospital. i dont want this to happen to me.

28-02-05, 15:05
Hi Rengb6

Sorry you're having a tough time. Is there anyone like friends or family you can talk to about this?


'Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire'

28-02-05, 15:08
my friends and sister know but they all think its a joke. my parents only know that i had one. they dont know that it is an ongoing problem.

28-02-05, 15:23
i have a question. if i just ignore my panic attacks, will they go away? or will they over time just get worse?

28-02-05, 15:37
We are all so different and it's knowing how to control these situations. Personally I have got used to my panic attacks to the point where if one comes on I kind of get annoyed with it, tell it I know what it is but it's not going to kill me and then it starts to subside.

Panic is like a habit we get used to and we teach our selves to panic in certain situations.

Do you do any kind of relaxation? Breathing exercises may help.


'Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire'

28-02-05, 16:40
iv tired breathing exercises. but then i get even more nervious . nothing really seems to work. except when i tell myself that i can leave at anytime and that everthing is ok. this works all the time except with alter searving. because i know, unless i really am going to throw up,that i cant leave the stage. the last time i left the priest got mad and everyone thought i was leaving so i wouldnt have to take communion.

28-02-05, 16:58
hi im not sure you can ignore them and they will go away if you could none of us would be on this site, but you can learn to control them it takes time but you can do it read some of the posts on here to help but dont avoid the situations that trigger them as this makes them worse when you try go into that situation

fan x

28-02-05, 17:34
do i have panic attacks frequently enough to have a disorder?

01-03-05, 00:21
Not necessarily Reng, I really think you should discuss this with your parents as they will be able to guide you in the right direction

Take care

Elaine x

01-03-05, 18:57
Hi Reng.

I wouldn't worry too much about a name. I was told that I had gone from suffering from Panic Attacks to Panic Disorder but it was just a name and the recovery process was just the same.

If you suffer more than a few panic attacks a week it is panic disorder but the fancier name doesn't help cure it I am afraid.

Welcome aboard anyway.


01-03-05, 21:28
I think the best thing to do is learn to relax.

It is difficult to do at first, but it gets easier with practice.

I would have a word with your priest and explain the situation to him.
You may find he will be very understanding.

If it helps, write your feelings down on a peice of paper and off load them. - You can then throw it away if you don't want anyone to see what you have written.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'