View Full Version : Back Pain - Any Ideas?

07-01-08, 09:56
Hello all,

Friday evening, I felt a very minor ache in my back (left side near shoulder), which I ignored as it was not bothering me.

I woke up Saturday morning in pain, feels similar to when I pulled a mussel in my neck years ago.

This hurts when I lie on my back, makes me squeal at times, which if I sleep on my side then it is better.

It hurst when I turn or bend down at times andhurts when I sneeze or cough and the front of my chest hurts hurts at times, opposite side
to the back but very minor, which I guess it is all linked in some way.

I do not want to run to a doctor as I guess I need to give it a week as I guess the doctors will say it could be a pulled muscle without knowing.

Can a pulled mussel cause this kind of pain in the back as I getting negative thoughts of something growing like a tumour of some kid.


07-01-08, 21:54
Hi Red
it sounds like you may have pulled a muscle or it could be muscle tension. As you say your muscles in your back are closely linked right round to your chest so you often have pain in both areas if you strain yourself.
Try using heat on the area to relieve the pain. It does not sound like anything to worry about. Give it a couple of weeks and if you are still concerned speak to your doctor.
Donna x

07-01-08, 22:17
A nice Hot bath and a couple of ibuprofen.

It works for me.


08-01-08, 12:44
Thank you!

I think i was thinking of bone C or C of the blood.


08-01-08, 13:10
Hey Red Do You A Cold Or Anything Like That Sounds Like You Might Have A Cold In Ya Body..which Mine Is Affected My Shoulder Badley... If Not Could Be A Pinched Nerve...put Some Heat On It And If Ya Can Take Some Ibuprifin That Should Help It Out .............wish Ya Well........linda

09-01-08, 07:51

Colds are around me at the moment....!

It feels slightly better today but still hurts when I get in car etc or sneeze/cough.

There is deffinetly some kind of pain stilll between the two shoulder blades, which is worring me.


09-01-08, 14:15
Ya Prob From All Ya Coughin Red It Will Pass Hope Ya Feel Better........linda