View Full Version : Is it a cold?

07-01-08, 12:18
Had a cold for around 4 days last week really bad but then it went away but now I feel horrible my head feels like its stuffed with something. keep getting stuff coming out of my eyes and nose and every time i get up or walk around i feel mega dizzy and keep getting cold spots all over my head which of couse I panic about and think means that my head is bleeding inside or something.
I think its just another cold but am worried about it enough to post since it started again with my ear yesterday when my ear drum sounded like it was popping but that stopped after afew hours.

any advice or help would be great thx.

07-01-08, 13:21
Sounds like a cold to me. When you're head is "bunged" up, it does cause some dizziness, especially if your ears are effected too (as you have actually mentioned). You're ears are the key to your balance and if they also bunged through the cold, it definitely could lead to dizziness.

Popping sounds are generally because of deep down wax. I was told that 16 years ago when i had to have my ears syringed.

I doubt very much your brain is bleeding.


07-01-08, 15:32
It could be blocked sinuses, they make your nose and eyes drippy when they're blocked and feel like your face is full of cotton wool or something :lac: It's really not a nice thing to have but it's definitely not serious, try and inhale some Vic with steam and see if that helps :hugs::flowers:

24-10-09, 12:32
I've just been walking in the rain for about 15 minutes in the freezing cold with no jacket will I be stuck with the cold? :unsure: in was getting lots of cheat pains with anxiety... :lac: