View Full Version : Breathing worries

07-01-08, 13:27
Hi, I'm looking for some reassurance on my breathing issues.

5 yrs ago I was going through a stressful relationship and my eldest was getting married which all led to anxiety. My main problem was having a 'not being able to swallow' incident during mealtime, this happened 3 times and I became phobic about swallowing solids. Hence a liquid diet which meant a bowl of soup at my daughters wedding............. and yet I was soooo hungry for everyday food! The anxiety of it all made me very tense and I found I was upper chest breathing constantly which made me feel very weak particularly my abdomen muscles. Went to the doc after 6 weeks of this who confirmed I had acute anxiety disorder. So I had to do the accept and live with it thing, took a long time but up until recently have managed to live with it ok.

In October last year I caught a cold which I dealt with ok until I woke one morning with a dreadful cough, couldn't catch my breath! From then on I panicked all day every day, hyperventilating most of the time as I couldn't shift cough off chest and was wheezy with it. Was petrified I had asthma or chest infection but visit to doc confirmed I had neither. Even so I carried on feeling very anxious about it which made me so tense in my chest and still couldn't shift it. It did evenually go of course but the tension didn't.

A couple of weeks later I caught another cold! Same thing, panicked when I got the cough part of it, hyperventilating, visit to docs with same fears but was given the all clear again. Since then I am still suffering with catarrh, sometimes it goes onto chest and am constantly coughing, sometimes it's just in my throat which makes it feel clogged up causing panic that I can't breathe properly. I am constantly monitering my breathing which is either upper chest with weak abdomen or heavy and fast causing sore throat/windpipe, also find I am taking deep breaths and holding them before exhaling. Still coughing from catarrh.

What I'd really like to know is if my erratic breathing patterns is prolonging the cold symptoms as in the tension keeping it on chest/ in throat? Sometimes I just feel to weak to cough properly. It's been 5 weeks now since 2nd cold, am so tired of it and so jumpy, depressed etc. Do have good moments too when it feels it's gone and breathe ok.

Later today am going for a contact session with my son to see my 2 1/2 yr old grand daughter. Only met her 6 weeks ago :D . She was the result of my son who was only 16, getting involved with an older woman who unfortunately has mental issues. The relationship thankfully ended 3 yrs ago but she was pregnant and we never saw the baby until recently. My grand daughter was taken into care last April due to emotional abuse and we were only informed in August hence we are now involved in the care proceedings. We are basically going for custody of her but it's a very complicated issue with contact sessions, assessments on ourselves and court hearings ,so lots of stress........but she's worth it :hugs:

Just really looking for some words of wisdom to help me through all this please :huh:

Thanks, Sue x

07-01-08, 14:11
Hi Tigress, well to start with it sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
so i hope all that goes well for you, Our breathing is one of those natural bodily functions that actually look after themselves. You never need to think about it it will sort itself out, you need to ensure you keep taking some vitamins to try and get out of the cold syndrome, there are a lot of colds and bugs going around so you need to be looking after yourself first and foremost, if you are to have any strength to continue doing the other important things in life you have to do.
Please take reassurance that you have been given the all clear on a few occasions and try and relax a little bit, try some yoga or some gentle stretching and work on your abdominal breathing. it takes time but as soon as you master it your anxiety will dissapear .

Hope this helps

Flinty X