View Full Version : electric shock feeling

07-01-08, 15:55
Hi i was trying to have a nap and i kept on getting electric shock tingling down one whole side of my body from head to foot and then my whole body would go the same. has anybody else had this. thanks a lot.

miss motown
07-01-08, 23:03
hi i went to see my gp about this not so long back and she told me it was a release of adrenalin which surges thru your body its a horrible feeling i must say so i gather im not on my own with this one ay

07-01-08, 23:10

Years ago when my anxiety hit an all time high I used to get this. I describe it as a rush of electricity going through you. Very weird. I too mentioned it to the doctor and he said the same thing.

I really wouldn't worry.

07-01-08, 23:17
It can be caused by sensitized nerve endings that us sufferers get when we are not breathing correctly so the oxygen in the blood is reduced.

Correct breathing will help it.

09-01-08, 07:50
Hi i was trying to have a nap and i kept on getting electric shock tingling down one whole side of my body from head to foot and then my whole body would go the same. has anybody else had this. thanks a lot.


Years back, this was one of my woring symtoms, which vanished after time.

If you look in most anxiety books, it explains that it is an anxiety symtom.


09-01-08, 14:13
Yes I Would Get It Alot I Would Desribe It To My Doc As Pinging In My Face When I Walked Zap Zap When I Bent Over Or Just A Swoosh Over My Body Doc Would And People Lok At Me Like I Was Nuts But No Other Way Of Explaining It :( Like Nic Says Nerve Endings Mine Come From Anxiety Also Physical Probs......linda Xx