View Full Version : Flashing lights could it have just been me

07-01-08, 16:15
Hi everyone i'm now maybe starting a panic.

Just now i helped my neice set up a small bed on the floor and i looked at the tv and there were these bright flashing lights it happened about 3 times i closed my eyes and hid behind the cover and when i looked a few mins later they had gone and i said that i looked away cause of the flashing lights and my neice said. what flashing lights. we were watching spongebob.

now my right eye hurts and feels strained, i'm worried it was just me.

since boxing day i have been getting sharp pains at the left side of my head above my ear.

now i'm really really worried.


any advice??

07-01-08, 16:25
Hi SammieB, i get this also a lot of the time. i get flashing lights if even a headlamp on a car flashes i get the flashing lights.like when you look at a lightbulb. i get this with the slightest bit of light.

08-01-08, 00:30
Me too sharp pain behind my ears get it a lot these days specially at nights