View Full Version : lower right abdominal pain

07-01-08, 16:19
hi all,
new to forum - think it will really help me.
so im usually a bit of a worrier but for the past month i have had a pain in my lower right abdomen - it extends to my back sometimes. had an ultrasound last week and all was fine. dunno what else t do. worried bout bowel cancer - stools have been alternating between constipation and very loose - sorry i know its grosse! anyone else having similar symptoms? if so what do you do? i had some bloods done last wk so i should get results end of next wk.
have been a bit panicky about my body since i had mononucleosis last yr - docs didnt beleve my symtoms and then eventually found out what it was - knocked my confidence in docs u know?
had a bit of a bad patch recently - preg scare - then thought it was cysts - so have been frantic!!i know worrying doesnt help but it seems to be my defense mechanism.
love to have some opinions please......

geordie flower
07-01-08, 19:46
Hiya,Im also experiencing similar to you! Ive been getting pains in my lower rght side of my pelvic area and a sore back on the same side, also I get pain in my lower right ribs. The pains arenot there constantly they come and go, its usually worse when im sitting down. I went to the docs and Im waiting for an ultrasound scan appointment to come through. Im a terrible worrier so in my head Ive diagonised myself with allsorts! Has your doc said what else it could be? take care Tracey :flowers:

07-01-08, 21:37

See my post under "symptoms". I have the same as both of you but on the left hand side. The left hand side is where your large intestine is. It is the final stages of your digestive tract. For you to get bowel cancer I assume it has to be in the bowel area which is either central or on the left hand side. I was told that if you had bowel cancer you would have blood in your stools. I after say I dont have any obvious signs of that, not that I have ibspected them that closely. I have asked for a colonoscopy and I am waiting for that. The consultant that I saw said he thought it was IBS as this is very common with Anx Sufferers. I have to say I did not have this pain when I went to see the consultant. It has just developed over the last month. It is not painful it is just a feeling of tightness and a little sore. I am sure we are all suffering from mild IBS. Nothing to worry about, but nice to get it checked to put our minds at rest.


08-01-08, 13:38

I have had a kidney infection for the second time in a short period. However the pain seems to have moved from the kidney area to the right hand side front abdomen. I have been assured that my kidney infection has cleared up (with the help of anti-biotics) but that the pain I am now experiencing could be due to inflamation left by the infection. As such, I have been prescribed Diclofenac which seems to be working.

You say the pain extends to your back. Do you think you could be feeling pain from your kidneys and have an inflamed tract?


celia davies
09-01-08, 20:25
Hello people,i always have pain under my ribs which comes an goes an also suffer from constipation an also loose stools its caused by anxiety my stomach feels like a washing machine sometines its a horrible feeling x

10-01-08, 20:53
hiya - i can really sympathise as i could've written this thread - my only thing is that i go from having a ache/sort of pain in the lower right abdo to it becoming this really irritating annoying feeling which no one understands because most people either have pain or ache.
I've had a scan too which was fine and my gyni said a lap was the only way to found out if its endometriosis. I was also told my gp that some women get chronic pelvic pain and it doesn't matter what test you do there is no physical problem. SO please try not to worry - thats hard i know -:yesyes: Big hugs x

10-01-08, 20:55
Can i just add in case you panic - endometriosis is a really common condition which i'm sure you've heard of and its annoying but nothing to worry about x