View Full Version : undigested food in stools

07-01-08, 18:32
Has anyone ever had this happen? Besides the usual culprit corn.
I had a bowel movement yesterday and it had lettuce and peas in it and now I am terrifed that something is wrong!! Has anyone had this?

07-01-08, 21:49

Are you taking pescribed meds for acid reflux. The digestion process that converts a piece of lettuce to a stool is first started in the stomach. I cant imagine that lettuce can make it through the stomach un-scathed. I think it is a good sign that you have un digested food in your stools as it shows you are eating plenty of fibre. I think you would be having other pains and the runs etc...

If you are taking meds then I suggest you talk to your doc regards to the lack of stomach acid.

Dont worry I am sure its nothing to worry about.


07-01-08, 22:37
How well do you chew food? I have a bad habit of bolting my food with hardly a chew and peas and beans etc can come through easily identifiable.

I have been like this for ever if I don't chew my food properly so think if you have rushed the meal that contained these things.

07-01-08, 23:13

Same here. I can often identify food in mine but I too have been like this for years so don't worry about it.

08-01-08, 11:32
Yea I get this a lot, especially with certain foods. I once freaked out when I thought I had a large blood clot - it was red pepper :winks: Sorry, TMI.

I definitely don't think it's anything to be worried about. I think it can be a sign of IBS, but don't quote me on that as I'm not sure. Chewing food for longer will probably help, but I think it's reasonably normal (Gillian McKeith would disagree).

Take care and don't fret,

xxx :flowers:

09-01-08, 07:48
Has anyone ever had this happen? Besides the usual culprit corn.
I had a bowel movement yesterday and it had lettuce and peas in it and now I am terrifed that something is wrong!! Has anyone had this?


Yes, happens to me several times - best thing to do is try not to inspect your stools, I tried going with bathroom light off, helped me.


09-01-08, 09:34
I have had this quite often and I think it is just that some foods take longer to digest than others. I would imagine peas and lettuce would fall into these categories. I once mentioned it to a doc who said this is quite normal.
Worrying about your bowel habits can make the problem worse as anx has a habit of making the bowel work faster (in my case anyway) I would try not to give it too much attention.

09-01-08, 10:21
Hi Alison,

This brings back memories for me this one. I remember at one time I used to go threw mine with an old toothbrush :lac: I like Red's idea of going in the dark. I also agree with Swan I remember my doc saying it can be linked to IBS. Try not to concentrate on it too much hun and if your anything like me something new to worry about will come along tomorrow :hugs: xxx

09-01-08, 12:41
Same here. Lot's of undigested food in mine. This thread makes me feel better seeing it happens to others frequently as well. I like that idea of goin in the dark.


14-01-08, 21:33
I've had this for years - literally about 20 years!

It just comes and goes and now I'v stopped worrying about it.

It's nothing - you're fine.

13-11-08, 19:38

I was extremely paranoid yesterday, as my poo was light with dark black in it. The evening before I had ate spinich, but not a lot of it - but it must have been the spinich.... today was light, really light with bits of carrot and peas. It's understandable that you would be worried, I was "s hitting" myself (pardon the punn) but I was really worried. I am a stress head with Health Anxiety, every little thing I get worried and this is just another worrying day.

Don't worry about it, you'd prob have pain if it was anything really dodgy.


agent orange
13-11-08, 19:53
no please don't worry. I have had lettuce and peas and sweetcorn, some of these foods just pass through and I think are quite difficult to digest. I have i.b.s and it does it to me all the time ( of course it does not mean you have it).

14-11-08, 10:55
Has anyone ever had this happen? Besides the usual culprit corn.
I had a bowel movement yesterday and it had lettuce and peas in it and now I am terrifed that something is wrong!! Has anyone had this?

Hello!! yes, when i was at my worst The food was just passing through my body and I could see loads of things undigested, I was so scared and the Dr was not interested, After going back on my meds It slowly stopped and my stools went back to normal.

Are you stressed more than normal at the moment? upset tummy?:hugs:

14-11-08, 11:25
I tried out the going in the dark idea - works like magic.:)

10-12-08, 19:59
HEy there , im michael and im a possible IBS sufferer , ive had 8 months of pain with guts !! I had diarhoa today , all i ate this morning was oatabix with rice milk , does that mean im intolerant of something ??? I even found a sultana that didnt get digested , hows that for laugh !! But can someone answer to this wether an ingredient i had was the cause to trigger the diarhoaa ??

10-12-08, 20:30
I tried out the going in the dark idea - works like magic.:)
Can you still find the toilet roll though?:unsure:

11-01-13, 15:22
If you eat fruit and vegetables (fibre) then you will have undigested fibre in your stools. The more you chew it the less you see it, but it is still there in the same quantity.

Please do a web search for Fibre Menace. Or take a look at.

I recently had Diverticulitis and ended up in hospital. They put me on a no fibre diet until I was over the worst. This is what made me search for information about fibre.

I believe I got Diverticulitis because of the high fibre diets that I have been on for many years. I was told to eat high fibre for my health. When all the time it was making me ill.

I now eat no fibre or extremely low fibre. My digestive system is working better than it has for years. I have a bowel movement regularly with ease and my stomach is not bloated anymore. There is no discomfort. I feel great and I know that I don't have any rotting fibre in my colon to cause Diverticulitis again. We can't (our bodies can't) digest fibre this is why you see it in your stools.

I also came across the "Squatty Potty". Do a search. I use a small 8 inch folding stool that does the same thing for a lot less money.

Anxious lu
12-01-13, 21:12
When my anxiety was at its worst I made myself so Ill
Without giving tmi my food was coming our whole.. I had Chinese one night and the veg was all there literally looked like food in the bowl.
Same with the tomatoes in pasta sauce.

Honestly think its influence by anxiety because I had mine tested and nothing was found.. However I had it everyday for two weeks.. When the thing I was anxious about proved to be okay it just stopped!

I did however lose a bit of weight as food was just passing through and I wasn't eating enough. I think the adrenaline rushes the blood to your heart away from your stomach so it doesn't do it's job properly.

13-01-13, 09:43
Your anxiety will more than likely upset your digestive system, mine does. But it has nothing to do with digesting fibre less. Your probably not chewing it as much when anxious and you don't realise it.. Please read below.

If you eat fruit and vegetables (fibre) then you will have undigested fibre in your stools. The more you chew it the less you see it, but it is still there in the same quantity. Our digestive system will not and cannot digest fibre.

Please do a web search for Fibre Menace. Or take a look at.