View Full Version : Panic Attacks at Work

07-01-08, 18:55
Over the last few months I've been getting terrible panic attacks at work, so bad that I end up having to go home. I have recently just got back to work after having 6 weeks off with anxiety/panic attacks. At first my boss made out that she was going to be very supportive and help me get back into work slowly, but after I'd been back a week she went back to her usual vile self!

Since Christmas I haver started suffering badly again with the attacks, both at work and at home. However, as my boss is so unapproachable and insensitive I didnt feel able to tell her about how I was feeling.

Anyway, I got to work this morning and I just felt dreadful, and immediately began having a panic attack, shaking, heart racing, hot etc etc. I asked my boss if I could have a talk with her and we went to have a chat. She was nasty and almost verbally aggressive towards me, making me feel bad for feeling the way I do at work. I have asked about reducing my hours at work to help me cope a bit better - she demanded to know how that was going to help me!!! She also asked how long for - I tried to explain to her that mental illness is not something that just mends overnight but she says she doesn't really understand what I feel like as she has never suffered with it. Whilst I totally understand that, she could still be supportive and understanding. To cut a long story short I ended up bursting into tears - something that is unheard of for me to do. Infact I have never cried at work or in public in my life before so I must have felt pretty bad. She just stared at me like I was some kind of freak! So instead of making me feel better, my boss has managed to make me feel guilty and pathetic - so much for support at work eh!

Just needed to get it off my chest as it has really upset me

Megan x

07-01-08, 19:26
Hi Meg

You have my total sympathy as my panic attacks started at work. It sounds very much as if your anxiety is related to stress. Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 your company has a legal obligation to assess the risk of stress-related ill health arising from work activities and Under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 it has to take effective measures to control that risk.

Are you a member of a union or do you have an occupational health department?

Eva May
08-01-08, 14:35
Oh my God Meg you poor thing. You do not have to put up with that and don't you dare feel guilty or pathetic because you are neither of those things. Unfortunately we do still come up against ignorant people but please come here any time you need support and I know you don't feel like it but like Allye said, try and find out what your position is so you will feel more confident dealing with her. And maybe complain about the bullying too because that's what it sounds like

08-01-08, 17:51
Hi Meg,

My anxiety focuses largely around my work so you have my sympathy and support. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: It is horrid when someone doesn't understand and is insensitive but that's their problem not yours. It is a failure on their part because they haven't offered support when it was needed. Getting back to work is a huge achievement and you should feel very proud of yourself for that. I would definitely try and get some advice along the lines Alleye has suggested. Until then it is more than likely that you're going through a blip and things will soon get better.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-01-08, 21:59
Thanks everyone for your replies:) I do feel that my boss is a bully (she treats everyone terribly). Unfortunately the 'culture' at my workplace is not really the kind where you can make complaints about certain people, and to be honest I don't feel that I would be taken seriously enough as I'm only 21 and just a kindve office junior:) I am due to go back to work tomorrow - I couldn't face it today. I am supposed to be having a meeting with my boss and her boss about my request to reduce my working hours (I want to go part time for a bit), at the moment I'm feeling really anxious and intimidated about it.

I did speak to someone from occupational health when I came back from long term sick but as I am on a waiting list to receive some cognitive behavioural therapy they said that there wasn't really anything they could do.

I will post an update soon to let you all know how it goes.

Thanks so much for your help and support

Megan x

09-01-08, 15:57
I know how panic at work can be. I am now on disability and have been for three years because I could not function at work at all. It is a huge financial burden on my family and I hate it but Ihad no other choice.

12-01-08, 23:04
I have big problems with my panic attacks at work as well - a lot of employers really do not understand and i think it must be about trying to educate them more - perhaps through occupational health etc. I have had several referralls to occupational Health and have to sy it was helpful at first but not now as she is using information that is two years old to make major decisions about my career and has told me to give up my volunteer work (three hours a week) so they can cause problems as well.