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View Full Version : Tickly raw throat

07-01-08, 20:29
I had this the other week, my throat felt swollen and raw but not sore, I went to the GP who said I had an infection so prescribed penicillin, that was 3 weeks ago and I have been fine then at the weekend I started feeling snotty then on sunday I started with a tickly feeling all down my throat, in my ears and around my nostrils. Arghhhhh its so tickly, feels like all my tubes are itching:winks: and my throat feels raw but not sore at all. I had a look and its red abit on the arch of skin at the back of the mouth, just before the tonsils, if u see where I mean?

My left tonsil looks like it has a pea sized fleshy coloured lump on it which is worrying me abit, anyone else had this?

Of course im worrying a little as to why I have had this twice in the last month but it did clear up after the penicillin so surely its not the same infection?

The tickly feeling is driving me mad, feels so annoying. Why do I feel like that? could it just be a virus? I have no white spots on my tonsils and im not sore. My 3 children have been a little bit under the weather over christmas, My daughter has her 3rd ear infection in 2 mths, my eldest son had a cold last week and my little boy is coughing and sounds abit congested, I took him to the drs at the weekend and they said his throat was abit pink and his tonsils were huge but he says its not sore at all.

If anyone can help me to relax id appreciate it. I have been very tired lately so I am a little worried there is something wrong with me, my glands are up to but my GP said not to worry about them.

08-01-08, 16:35

I've got exactly the same symptoms so don't worry about it. I'm having crap nights sleep at the moment because everytime I'm about to fall asleep I get this dry tickly feeling in my throat and no matter how much water I drink it wont go away. I've also got a sniffly nose. I don't feel ill just not quite well. It;s just the time of year and everyone's got it had it or got it coming. he only thinkg Ive gfounf that really helps is Beechams all in one medicine which tastes nice and gets rid of the tickly feeling. Also try some Merocaine sore throat sweets, they completley numb it out.

08-01-08, 17:54

It is probably one of those nasty viruses that are going round. I had exactly the same symptoms 2 weeks before Xmas which progressed to a most annoying tickly cough every time I tried to get some sleep (and yes no matter how much liquid I drunk it was still there) and then it turned to a right stinker of a cold..

I had just got rid of it and then 2 days after Xmas came down with another similar one. I have just come back to work after Xmas break and everyone here either has or has had similar over the break.

Not much you can do other than take lots of liquid and Vit C.

Hope you feel better soon.

08-01-08, 21:38
Thanks so much, today the tickle has gone and im now all snotty and coughing, oh lovely!