View Full Version : Spirituality practice?

07-01-08, 22:50
I watched the big question on BBC 1 on Sunday Morning just before my favorite country file. One statement from James a psyco was that in his study of completly sane and balanced people in many countries was that they all practiced religion. Also in "the mind a users guide" a book it says that people who practice spirituality and or religion, not sure what the difference is, do not suffer from as much mental illness. Is this a symptom of a over confident western culture?

Aparently the richer a country the worse the mental health.

Any comments?


08-01-08, 09:22
Hi Mee, this is a good question and something which I have been thinking about in terms of whether it would help me.

I am not religious. I do like to think of myself as spiritual because I do believe there is a "higher being" out there.

I believe in life after death - don't ask me why. I would never mock someone who didnt believe in it, but its something I believe in. Maybe I take comfort from knowing that I will see family members who have passed away, when my time comes.....I dont know, its just something I have a firm belief in.

I have been wondering about whether practising spirituality would help me "centre" myself and bring more calm into my life. However, I wouldnt want to end up using spirituality as a "crutch". I would do it to enhance the quality of my life but I wouldnt want to be obsessed with it and rely on it to the extent that if I didnt practise it for a while, I'd be convinced my life was going in the wrong direction or it was going to fall apart.

I'd be interested in reading the teachings of the Buddha for some reason - I saw a program over Christmas which said that his teachings were similar to those of Jesus.

I think I'd like to feel more "at peace" with myself, and I think that spirituality may help me achieve this. But I'm not sure if I'm ready to dive into it yet.


08-01-08, 12:44
I believe in Angels and I believe there is a Creator/God/universal energy at work. I get comfort from the Angels most of all, though when I am feeling bad (as I am now) my belief becomes shakey. I also believe in the healing power of crystals.

My belief in a Creator is a million miles away from the God of the bible. I have been a Roman Catholic (by birth) and a born again Christian later on and they have left me with a very negative view of the God of the major religions. My spirtiual beliefs are my own and I don't adhere to any particular religion. I believe in meditating to achive a deeper connection with the spiritual world.

Often I feel I am beliving in thin air as I ask for help so many times and none comes. However when I was an atheist I was very empty and unhappy and I feel better when I belive in something, especially the Angels.

I would never force my beliefs on anyone else - had enough of that in the born again christian church.

Good poll Meewah, well done.

Ellen x

08-01-08, 16:00
I Am A Christian And Yes Im A Strong Believer In Jesus Christ Hes Is My Savior...if I Didnt Have Faith In Him I Wouldnt Of Gotten This Far In Life............linda Xxx

08-01-08, 21:35
I too found that believing in a higher being very difficult. I began studing Buddhism I have to say the laws of Karma and meditation is very useful at relaxing you in many situations. I am continuing my study after discovering a meditation class where I live.

Keep on with the comments. Makes good reading.


09-01-08, 02:51
I also believe in Jesus Christ and God and have since I was a child. I grew up in the church and to this day have a strong faith. I do not, however, judge people who do not believe the same thing as I do. My faith has gotten me through many a dark night though!


09-01-08, 03:27
Aparently the richer a country the worse the mental health.

The priorities are different. Living in a rich country people want to earn as much mone as possible to own all the luxuries they can buy. It becomes a rat race, the pressures on workers to perform for the company are greater and so the number of people who suffer from stress are also greater.

In the poorer countries, the priorities are often for food and water just to survive. They don't have time to think about stress and they don't live in crowded cities where food is so abundant. More people in these countries turn to religion to pray for the vital things we take for granted.

Less people in richer countries turn to religion because they're more interested in making money in a dog eat dog world.

I've visited many different religious groups who all have different beliefs and I've had various experiences I can't explain so I try to keep an open mind but we all need something to believe in to give us a sense of purpose for being here. When I think of religion, "Imagine" by John Lennon comes to mind. If you know the words you'll understand why.

10-01-08, 00:50
Good Points Bill. Why do we choose material things over spiritual do you think? Conditioning?


10-01-08, 03:53
Hello Mee,

As you say, it's the way we're brought up. Normally our parents want us to get good jobs and earn lots of money so we can own a good home so we're never hard up but life isn't always like that and some don't get the opportunities or have other priorities.

I'm sure though that in the rich countries the mentality is to find ways to be rich rather than be rich in virtues such as caring! If there was more emphasis on caring rather than money and means testing, they'd be less people suffering from anxiety and left feeling alone, but that's how the modern world is becoming sadly, each fighting for their own corner.

However, there are so many different religions. I simply believe in caring because if everyone stopped caring about everyone else, where would be the point in believing in anything else? Believing in something is fine providing the believers all care about Everyone in this world.

10-01-08, 20:47
:) I am a spiritualist, Lilith if you want to be advised as to any websites to increase your interest let me know!

I was bought up a Christian! I now don't not believe in Christianity however having been on spiritual sites now for a couple of years I now know my path is this - however the thing I have found most prominent here is that spiritualists are the most non judgemental people I know

I beleive in God and I beleive in the angels.

(I have tickets to see colin fry soon, i'm sooooooooooo excited lol) anyway i read his book recently and in it explains an interaction between him and someone high up in the catholic church. Out of the reading and convo came that they exchanged books about their respective religions. When they met up neither could disagree with either persons views however colin said something very profound - a lot of the bible stories come from prophets - can he explain the difference between a medium and a prophet!!!! - he couldn't!!!!!

God bless all and I have found great comfort in having a faith and one which doesn't judge and allows people to have their own beleifs for this means they are at the right place for them at the time!

11-01-08, 20:47
It would seem Bill has beaten me to it.

I have no idea where these statistics come from, but I suspect that spitituality was deemed important because the majority who seriously practice it are those within developing countries.

Our consumer based society has completely dislocated us from any kind of healthy lifestyle, in my opnion. Take the Sabbath for example, a day of rest. People now deem it more important to nip out and grab a McDonalds on a Sunday afternoon in their pursuit of happiness. Their own little quest for the holy grail - or perfect hangover cure.

No one needs to rest anymore, apparently. We can go 24/7. Working behind a desk all week getting out of shape. TV at night, getting out of shape. Stress overload. A couple of nights out. People are constantly abusing their bodies and neglecting anything that thousands of years of civilisation has taught us. Because we can buy happiness. It comes in a packet at the supermarket, in the pub, advertised on the TV, etc, etc, etc. You get tired, you can buy a cure. You're sad, you can cure that too. You're unfit, well damn, you can buy something for that too. We're constantly feeding ourselves with drugs just so we can live the 'dream life' that we've created. What's left behind is any kind of contentment and connection with ourselves, rendering us blind to our needs and on a slippery slope governed by the Gods of Ill Health..

Right, I'm off for a beer in front of the TV.

11-01-08, 23:06
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Nice words and ones I wanted to read after Bill posted. I want to say though that many of our feelings come from our upbringing something none of us have a say in! we do not live in the developing countries and just try to understand the feelings we have the country we know! Also for some empathising for others who don't have or live with what we havel.

Therefore, again I say we trust and follow what our heart tells us, what we are exposed to, what we feel is right at the time and a true feeling for me is no one is better than another (even those doing all hours under the sun of charity work to the beggar on the street) cos we are where we are at the time we are suppose to be! we therefore have to trust in our own insticts and ourselves and not be lead by what others think or say!

Just my opinion and for what its worth has lead me to being a more whole person even though I struggle with depression and have others around me who for their own reasons also do.

12-01-08, 01:49
Sax, this is a great philosophy....Therefore, again I say we trust and follow what our heart tells us, what we are exposed to, what we feel is right at the time and a true feeling for me is no one is better than another.........we therefore have to trust in our own insticts and ourselves and not be lead by what others think or say!
I couldn't agree more! It's what's in Our heart that is Most important.

The verse I love is....
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

I doubt it'll ever happen because of what mankind is but it's a lovely dream.

12-01-08, 04:47
My Hindu based meditation and spiritual path has really helped my anxiety, another way of looking at things.

12-01-08, 10:04
BTW not everybodies cup of tea but the magazine 'kindred spirit' (available in some wh smiths) has a beautiful cd with it this month which certainly helps my anxiety - its really just calming, medativie music! Give it a try even if the magazine doesn't interest you! :shades: If you do peak inside it also has some great inspirational quotes which you might also find comforting.

Two examples : - "Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity." W. Clement Stone

"Shoot for the stars, at least if you don't reach it, you can land in the heavens." carlos watson

12-01-08, 20:16
James Oliver author of "The selfish capitalist" says in his research it was all the non - english speaking countries that had the best mental health. Admittedly the english speaking countries have the most wealth so there could be a link. Iceland is one of the most happiest countries even though they work longer hours than us.
