View Full Version : don't know what to do

07-01-08, 23:19
Ok so I have had anxiety for as long as i can remember. I'm 24 now and living 1 hour away from my family with my fiance. my anxiety comes and goes. it was bad as a kid and went away through in high school and college. since moving away it has come back times ten. its driving my fiance crazy. besides the hundreds of dollars in medical bills i call him at work all the time with something bothering me. I go to the doctors way too much. i passed a stool that had blood in it and made a doctor appointment right away. i have two books on syptoms and diseases which just worsen all my thoughts. i get a headache and read that it is a syptom of a brain tumor. the stomach ache i have and the blood in my stool has lead me to believe i have stomach cancer. i feel like i am getting worse. In college 2 years ago i was out everynight at bars or parties. Now the thought of going to a bar or party brings on a panic attack. the grocery store is starting to make me panic. I can never drive to my parents house unless someone is with me. I have never been a fan of going to restaurants. Its like i feel like i am stuck there, stuck waiting for the food, eating the food, and then waiting for the bill. i want to get help but don't know what to do. my doctor tells me i have anxiety, like i didn't know that already. gave me a prescription for zoloft but i don't want to be on drugs for the rest of my life. will therapy work? Has anyone managed to get better on their own?

08-01-08, 00:10
:yesyes: Hi K,

Welcome to the world of anxiety!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
First of all the blood in your stool could be something as simple as a tear around the anus-I have experienced this and it scared the beejeepers out of me!
Only if it happens continually,should you be concerned.
Visiting your Doc and getting a proper diagnosis is a great idea-well done.
It is very easy initially to be beset by worry over the long-term future-forget about it!
It is better for you to think about managing your condition "One day at a time".
Meds can help and many people here seem to use them but there is plenty of advice on the Site about the pros and cons of various ones.
Make use of the Chat room here-get in and vent your feelings!!
You can get better!!
Best wishes,

08-01-08, 02:28
Hi K
You are in the right place here! Try and avoid reading those books, read some books on non health matters and try and distract your mind from all the worries and concerns you have, it's just your Anxiety.

Take care :hugs:

08-01-08, 03:31
I am so sorry you are going through this.
I have had it since I was 14 and I am 31 now. However I had about 6-7 years in between where I was better. I truly believe I will get there again, it may take time but I think there is a way out of this for all of us.
Sharing in here is a wonderful start. Just having people that feel the same can be such a relief.