View Full Version : Done it again.

08-01-08, 00:12
Well i have been very depressed for the last 3 weeks or more now,due to problems with losing the house,buisness etc etc.

Haven't stopped crying for days,lost all motivation to do any thing,and can't find any future ahead for me.

Well i have had many thoughts of ending it these last few days,well tonight a went to have a cig,and guess what i have done?

Yes i selfed harmed again:weep:
And now i am scared that it might go further next time.

Someone please help me as i can't stand this depression,anxiety and HA anymore.

I am so scared:weep:

08-01-08, 02:11
Hi there,

You Must talk to your doctor or your mental health team if you have been referred to one as only they can really help you get better.

There are Lots of people on here who will understand how you feel so you can always find someone to talk to.

There are also helplines such as the samaritans if you feel so low. I'm sure they will help you through this as they did once for me.

Please take good care of yourself and remember that you are Not alone, that there is always help available and people on here who understand how you're feeling.:hugs: