View Full Version : Help Please!

08-01-08, 01:41
Since being in the hospital 6 weeks ago I have been convinced that I am horribly ill and will die at any moment. I have vague aches and pains all over my body and even though the doctors say its probably anxiety/depression, I can't help but think it is something more. I was severely worried about my heart because while in the hospital I would be awoken every night being told that my heart rate is around 30. Can anyone please give me some advice? I have never experienced this before and I've had several ekg's, echos, stress tests, and holter monitors so it seems like my heart is fine. However, I am consumed with the idea that I have an aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, stroke, ect. By the way I am only 19. Thank you to all and I hope no one experiences this, although I'm sure others do

08-01-08, 10:22
Hi there, sorry that you feel so down, You have been given a clean bill of health so you need to take reassurance from that otherwise your just gonna kep building up your anxiety levels which in turn will be making you feel tense and achy,

Please dont let yourself worry for one more minute about your health you are 19 and your heart is still very very very young and would nowhere near have had time to have become diseased, and all the other heart problems that could have been there have been dismissed by all the tests, you have a lot more reassurance than the 99.9 % of other people in the world ,

Get on livinh your long and healthy life and dont let anxiety get you down,
ANXIETY is nothing for you to worry about it can never hurt you but if you let it it will destroy your life.

hope you feel great again soon


08-01-08, 16:05
Thank you for your reply and I'm very grateful to hear that! But why do the pains always seem to come out of nowhere? Even when I'm not feeling anxious I will get the pains and that in turn makes me very anxious. Thank you and I wish you the best and hope you get a clean bill of health ASAP!

08-01-08, 16:12
Eagle you say the pains come on out of nowhere, you will never truly know that you arent feeling anxoius, its impossible even with mild anxiety to not be holding yourself tense, and you are probably more anxoius inside than you ever actually feel. i get anxoius when im relaxed if that sounds right, its like i relax so much that i feel anxoius becuase it still feels unntural for me to not be feeling tense .lolol i know its crazy but i think we ae so tuned into our bodies that even when we are relaxed and not feeling anxoius our bodies still are tense and thats where the pains can come from, its just wether we sit there worrying about the panis and sensations , thats the difference between living with it and getting on with it no matter what.

you will be fine


08-01-08, 19:21
Thank you so much!

I have been having these symptoms for 6 weeks and I keep feeling like I am dying, but I guess I would have died by now huh?

08-01-08, 19:45
Hi there

Have a read of the Symptoms page on the left for reassurance about a lot of the issues we get with anxiety.