View Full Version : just need to talk about it

08-01-08, 09:10
Hi everyone , at the moment i am worrying myself sick about my health,

as you may remember me posting about my severe dizziness and unbalance whilst walking , and the specialist at the hospital said he wants to keep an eye on me , and he doesnt think its anything serious.
He told me to keep a diary and to do the hallpike test at home now and then to see if my eyes jump when in that position , this i have been doing now and then and we have a positive result that we have filmed for the specialist to see at my next appointment on MONDAY.

Then I got a phone call on new years day fom my family who i have not spoken too in many years , and it turns out my Uncle (my dads brother) is under the same specialist as me , with the same symptoms.
Well you can imagine how horrified i was to hear this , so i phoned the hospital and they told me they will compare our notes and there are some genetic diseases that can give the symptoms we have.

I have tried be calm and put it down to a coincedence , but its getting more difficult as my appointment is getting closer.

I hate the not knowing
sorry for going on , just needed to let it out.


08-01-08, 09:41
Hi Mirry,

sorry that you are having this worry, waiting for appointments is an added nightmare with ha isin't it.
Even if it were to be a genetic disease it does't mean its a serious at all and you might get to the answer quicker.
Make a list of all the questions you want to ask on monday, i find that helps,


anx xx

08-01-08, 09:50

oh mate, please dont worry, we are all here for you. xxxxxx
thinking of you

missed you on agro diary x

08-01-08, 10:12
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

trying to stop googling , thanks for the replys.

will pop into the agro group :winks:

08-01-08, 10:29
NO GOOGLING by order of us lot

anx xx

08-01-08, 10:36
:ohmy: , wouldnt dare now , lol :hugs: .

09-01-08, 14:34
I know how hard it is not to google. I spend alot of time on here doing just that and then go and procede to have a panic attack. Dizziness itself can be extremely frightening. I hope they find out something for you soon and that it isnt serious at all.

09-01-08, 15:34
thanks alison , today has been a good day for me , so i am making the most of it. And staying away from google ,lol.

take care

09-01-08, 15:53
So happy to hear you are having a good day!!!! Awesome

09-01-08, 17:52

love anx xx

09-01-08, 18:24

Try not to worry mate, I know easier said than done though, glad your having a good day today :hugs:


Trac xxx

09-01-08, 19:34
Glad your having a better day, sorry to hear your worrying so much, you know where I am if you need to chat.xx

26-06-08, 22:57
hi, do u know that dizziness and feeling unbalanced is a side effect of anxiety i get it all the time and dont stress about it, it feels like your really wobbly and like the floor is moving x