View Full Version : can contraceptive pill make anxiety worse?

08-01-08, 12:03
While i do get more anxious in the run up to red week, during red week when i am not taking my pill, i have no anxiety and feel normal like my old self. I started taking it again yesterday and wham...anxiety back ten fold with panick atacks and once again im convinced i have brain tumor/cancer/am dying very shortly...(i get this weird sensation in my head with panick and like its filling up/flooding, dont really know how else to describe)

Just wondered if anyone else is the same as cant find anythin and dont want to google or go docs AGAIN! lol


08-01-08, 19:58
Hi Cassi,

I stopped taking the pill soon after my anx started (not sure if it linked to it at all) but who knows!

I know the feeling of being convinced you have something wrong, I get that too.

I would say if you see this pattern continuing maybe speak to your doc next time you go to get your pill.

Take Care

Claire xx

08-01-08, 20:11
Hey Cassie

I haven't heard anything about a connection with the pill and anxiety, but everyone reacts differently to different things etc...

I'm not sure if this will help but maybe the NHS Direct people maybe able to help... I've contacted them once about something and got told that the best thing to do was to talk to my doctor and gave me some links etc.. (edit: link https://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/enquiry/?WT.svl=nav)

But as Claire suggests go speak to your doc the next time u get your pills. :)

08-01-08, 20:44
I have never been able to take the pill as when I was on them I turned into a different person, I have severe mood swings, agression, and my anxiety got much worse, although not medically qualified in my case I am certain it made mine worse.