View Full Version : My first time here

08-01-08, 14:54
Hi there, I have been suffering with Panic Attacks for about three years now. I have never been to the Drs as would prefer to try and sort this out myself.
My problems have been when I'm driving especially with my two sons in the car and I think what about if I crash!! I have also had problems with supermarkets, again as one of the other members here has said, shopping as fast as possible, not getting all of the things you need, finding the shortest checkout, parking as near to the door as possible etc. Also, simple things like walking into town (10 minutes). I wouldn't even dare to do this now in case I have a panic attack and feel faint and dizzy. Walking through the town centre fills me with dread. I will often drive round and round for up to 1/2 an hour to wait for a parking space right in front of the shop I want to go into. My Hairdressers is the nearest one to a car park. Which incidentally threatens you with wheel clamps, which I risk every time instead of parking where there is a five minute walk!! I need to get some cricket equipment for my son, the idea of this is awful as will need to go into town. I can not go into shopping centres now and prefer to park outside of a stand alone shop as it's nearer to the car.Also, if I go into a shop like JJB Sports where you have to go up the stairs for some of the stuff, I dread going up the stairs for the whole of the drive there and then make an excuse to my son that I want to look at something downstairs, so he has to go upstairs on his own. This whole thing totally consumes my mind!! Anyway, I am going to go to the sports shop tomorrow to get my sons cricket equipment, so fingers crossed all will be ok. I have told my partner about the way I feel but he just makes fun of me!! But, this year is going to be the year that I am going to tackle this once and for all. Bye for now. Virginia.

08-01-08, 14:57
HI Virginia,

Welcome to NMP.
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

Your problems sound identical to those of other members here.Advice and support will be readily available to you in NMP.
Best wishes,

pink daisy
08-01-08, 15:12
Hi Virginia

Welcome 2 nmp, You will get good advice and help from this site as well as find some good friends, as i have done!! About me- I suffer from Agoraphobia.. I have to park outside everywhere I go.. but I can only go into small shops and pubs and things or less i sit or stay near the door. i cant stay anywhere if my car isn't parked outside including my own house, I can't walk through a town or any distance really apart from a few feet or on a good day i can walk along small shops if the car can get to me if i need my hubby to go and get the car.. I just feel that I am not in controll!! I have started to drive in my little town and just started to stay in my house on my own if i know my friends r in if i need to ring them incase i panic..

wow that was a long reply lol... But at least u know you r not alone x

Pink daisey- 29 and from somerset

08-01-08, 15:46

08-01-08, 17:27
Hi Virginia and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The links on the left are full of useful information and are a great place to start. I hope all goes well with the trip to JJB.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-01-08, 17:59
Hello Virginia:welcome: to you!

You will find many here who suffer as you do - this link to this particular thread may prove helpful:

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=292044#post292044 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=292044#post292044)

The support here is great - glad you joined us and pleased to meet you!


08-01-08, 18:26

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

08-01-08, 19:02
Hi Virginia, Welcome to the forum :flowers:


08-01-08, 19:39
Hi Virginia

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left here and you will pick up some great advice and tips for coping.

08-01-08, 21:55
Hi Virginia
Welcome to nmp, you will get plenty of good advice here and helpful tips. Take care.
love Mags xxxx

08-01-08, 22:00
Hi Virginia,

I often find myself having panic attacks whilst driving, it disappeared for a long time but has recently come back...when it's happening I start to worry that I'll crash or someone else might crash into me or my car might fail, which obv makes it worse, then, because I'm worrying about that I become more panicky and think my goodness because I'm getting panicky that def means that I'll faint at the wheel or something...its just a horrible viscious circle. I have found that repeating positive things over and over again until I reach my destination helps.

08-01-08, 22:16
Hi Virginia and welcome.
I wish you a succesfull shopping trip and loving the possative message at the end of your post, focus on what you have said there and it will stand you in good stead:)
All the very best