View Full Version : Runs of ectopics

08-01-08, 16:25
High gang am really scared at the mo.I have just had what felt like a run of ectopics lasting about 3-5 seconds and it felt weird not painful but strange .Has anyone else had a similar thing on here?plz help im going up the wall here with worry!!!:weep: :weep:

08-01-08, 16:31
I had a "run" of odd heart beats, fast, slow, thumping for nearly 5 days, - non-stop. It was horrendous. I eventually called an ambulance and ended up in A & E for 8 hours.

If you click my link and on my blog head back to November 22nd, you can read all about it.


08-01-08, 16:33
I had a "run" of odd heart beats, fast, slow, thumping for nearly 5 days, - non-stop. It was horrendous. I eventually called an ambulance and ended up in A & E for 8 hours.

If you click my link and on my blog head back to November 22nd, you can read all about it.


5 DAYS!!!! wow .This felt like a strange fast feeling.thatnks for the reply i will click on the link

08-01-08, 16:40
I had a "run" of odd heart beats, fast, slow, thumping for nearly 5 days, - non-stop. It was horrendous. I eventually called an ambulance and ended up in A & E for 8 hours.

If you click my link and on my blog head back to November 22nd, you can read all about it.


bluebell the link is not working for me

08-01-08, 16:43
Perhaps that is just your heart beating fast then!?
I have periods when my heart really beats fast for 10 - 20 minutes. You can really feel it. It happens when i least expect it too, ie: relaxed in bed!!! I don't know what it is. I am having an ultrasound scan on my heart Friday morning and then a 24hour EKG the following Tuesday. All fun :)


08-01-08, 16:44
Type it into your browser... :)

08-01-08, 16:49
Perhaps that is just your heart beating fast then!?
I have periods when my heart really beats fast for 10 - 20 minutes. You can really feel it. It happens when i least expect it too, ie: relaxed in bed!!! I don't know what it is. I am having an ultrasound scan on my heart Friday morning and then a 24hour EKG the following Tuesday. All fun :)


doc says i have ectopics but i suppose this could of just been fast beats.It did fell like an ectopic though just lots together if that makes sense.
And cheers i will try typing it in.


08-01-08, 16:52
Have you had any cardiac tests done?

08-01-08, 17:18
just ecg,s doc says its panic attacks and anxiety.I have asked for a 24 hour heart monitor and get looked at like ive got 6 heads.I have had a read of your blog blue and boy do i know where your comin from.I start to flap like hell in the evening all the way to bed time as thats when i get most of the bother, so i end up staying up to god knows when feeling like death.Im constantly waiting for that "BIG ONE" that gonna get me.And no one knows how bad it feels to feel like this