View Full Version : out of nowhere and suddenly

08-01-08, 18:47
My panick attacks come two or three times every month, out of absolutley nowhere!

I can honestly say i have no idea why i have them. My life circumstances have changed...i had a baby 4 months ago, dont think its my hormones anymore though. I can be just sitting at home and the adrenaline feeling will just wash over me. I have learnt quite well to control this and im coping with it but it still scares the heck out of me, so much that my anxiety of anticipating a panick attack stays with me for a couple of days afterwards :(

Anyone else like this or you all know why you have your attacks? Im still convinced im abnormal and dying!


08-01-08, 18:54
Definitely not abnormal nor are you dying :)

Panic has the ability to come from nowhere, when we least expect it - thats what "it" does. Just to scare....

It could be hormone related, my hormones are still raging and i had my son in 1998!!

Try not to worry about it, it sounds like you are coping very well :)


09-01-08, 16:30
Hi there

I know exactly how you are feeling.It happens to me actually today was one of the worst I had!

I was in the hairdressers and one hit me pins and needles in my head,couldn't breathe,adrenalin pumping though me ,heart racing etc.It was very scary my mind felt like it had gone into overdrive i was so anxious.
This happens a few times a month and it is awful but it always passes that is what you have to remember you won't feel like it forever.

You are not alone anytime you need a chat drop me an email.
Take Care