View Full Version : Started a Blog~please read!

Rachey poos
08-01-08, 20:49
Hi ... I have started a blog come diary so I and others can see my progress and also I shall be adding links ect... Give me time to get it going but please feel free to log on and post comments. Nice ones :) :hugs:

Heres the link
WHY DONT YOU TRY IT!!!!!!! its free!

08-01-08, 21:05
I have one too :)

Rachey poos
08-01-08, 21:21
I know i read it LOL,..... in fact urs inspired me a little babes! great place to air ur lungs!

08-01-08, 21:31
What a great idea! ive been thinking of doing one, but it looks complicated :blush:

Rachey poos
08-01-08, 22:08
have go its really ok...just take ur time with it x you can look back then at how the anxiety pattern is x

08-01-08, 22:54
Ive done one!
Don't laugh! Seriously though great idea putting your thoughts down on a daily basis, it could benefit us all.

Rachey poos
08-01-08, 23:15
Hi there..... its flippin fab!!!!!!!! Bless ya! we must promise to keep it goin!... so sorry about your wife but great she is getting better...must add a massive strain to your health.xx

08-01-08, 23:48
Hi Rach
Yeah lets keep it going!
My poor wife she has been very brave, and shes had me to deal with as well, my anxiety has been coming on all year and the poor old lass getting cancer i think just tipped me over the edge. xx

ps you really think its fab?:)

Rachey poos
09-01-08, 00:03
i think its great...will read it..tomo ..:yesyes:

09-01-08, 00:33
Wow your sig is cool! :ohmy:
Your Blogs pretty good too, and i will check it out tommo :yesyes:

Rachey poos
09-01-08, 00:55
LOL.. I have an advantage .. I used to be a website administrator before being bad wiv nerves for 5 yrs for doglost uk.... used to be on the tv and everything all the time doing documentries and gmtv, look north, calender, living tv....even had a little stint with most haunted!!! Now doing nothing!! Life sucks dont it!!!!

09-01-08, 01:16
OMG! You have some talent Rach!
Yeah life does suck!!! But don't look back look forward, i know it's difficult in our situation, but we have to try.:shrug:

Rachey poos
09-01-08, 20:59
we have to look forward we will have you done ur blog today I will do my tonight!!!

09-01-08, 21:06
Yeah ive done mine, it's a really good idea! i think anything that happens i'm just gonna put it on the blog, which is what i did today.

Rachey poos
09-01-08, 22:33
Love ur blog... gosh families eh!!! I get this from my mum and dad at times!.... they dont mean anything nasty....just lack of understanding! x going to do my blog now xx nan nights ... x PS Must be hard with your daughter too.... my sister has a disabled daughter... she is 13 and still doesnt speak/ unknown syndrome...we use makaton and she has other symptoms..... very severly austic.

09-01-08, 23:46
Yeah families they mean well i suppose! It has been tough with my daughter! it is the Autism thats the problem! it's evil, for example if i cook my daughter a meal my wife has to give her it to make out as though she cooked it, otherwise she would not eat, everything has to be a routine.
But theres always someone worse off than you, like your sister, thats tough when they cant communicate.
Our blogs are looking good! x:)

10-01-08, 00:29
What a great idea, good job!

10-01-08, 00:42
Thanks Alison
It's really helping me, putting my thoughts down, and giving me some good distraction.

10-01-08, 02:34
I really should start something like this.
I know that reading others experiences can really help make me feel alot less alone. So thank you so much for sharing it!

Rachey poos
10-01-08, 10:24
go and do...its very easy... www.freewebs.com (http://www.freewebs.com)

10-01-08, 12:24
Hi Rachel and WDWFan and everyone...:hugs:

I think its a great idea!...i have been reading your blogs and its really great to read about how you are getting on,etc.

I am going to do one aswell..put it up soon.



Rachey poos
10-01-08, 13:08
hi there.... gosh i am sooo glad peeps have been inspired!..... let us know when you have ..i will add u as a link...check out my adverts on my site from google i have some good anti stress remedies ect ....thnks google! x

10-01-08, 19:10
Hi Rachel and WDWFan and everyone...:hugs:

I think its a great idea!...i have been reading your blogs and its really great to read about how you are getting on,etc.

I am going to do one aswell..put it up soon.


Thats great news carmel! :yesyes:
The more the merrier! we will have our own little Blog community, can't wait to see yours!
Good luck with it.

Take care

10-01-08, 23:52
I followed the trend too!!!


Rachey poos
11-01-08, 01:09
well done.... I have left u a message and aded u s a link to my page!!!!! we need to keep reading eachothers.....come guys.... join in the fun and do a blog! Its free ad loooks great!

11-01-08, 01:55
Well done Alison! thats pretty good! :yesyes:

Rachey poos
11-01-08, 23:20
How are all my blog freinds doing with thier bloggies today! Im going on to read them all now!

Rachey poos
13-01-08, 20:22
Alison... are u ok... aint heard from you in a few days.... hope u alright babes.... I am really enjoying blogging and I really feel it is helping me.

Rachey poos
18-01-08, 23:47
Just an update.... since doing my blog and having a few on board to do thier own has really helped me see things better about my self...... do try it... its easy.. palps been amazingly better!

07-11-09, 06:57
just giving this thread some new life to see if there are any other bloggers out there. I have just restarted blogging and really find it helps alot! So if you have a blog you would like to share post it here! Mine is in my signature