View Full Version : Whether!?

09-01-08, 02:59
So who here is worried about the weather? Bad storms, etc? Is it just me or does the anxiety carry over to this too? I am terrified of storms, i always think the wind or a tornado is gonna come and knock our TRAILER over, yes i live in a trailer which is what makes it worse. I've never lived in a trailer until we moved to Alabama 3yrs ago so of course i'm a nervous wreck, incase ya didn't already guess, we're having storms right now which is where this is comming from. I've always been terrified of storms, especially tornados but i've never seen one. Even when we lived up north where there was never tornados i was still worried about the first one comming and killing us. So now we live where there's always tornado warnings and watches and we don't have a shelter or family to go to incase we need somewhere to go, we don't have a disaster plan cuz my hubby doesn't think we'll ever be hit by a tornado. He just never worries about anything. I guess that kinda even's us out cuz i worry about everything,lol. We're having tornado watches now and i'm scared to stay here but i'm also scared to go anywhere! I'm totally freaking out:(

09-01-08, 03:12
The weather scares me too!!
I use to dream about being in tornados all the time but they are not common here.
However I panic when we have snow storms because I am terrified of being trapped at home in case I need to go to the hospital etc.
Anytime we have bad weather my anxiety increases majorly!
I am sure your trailer will not blow over!!! Hope things calm down for you!

09-01-08, 03:22
i'm so glad i'm not alone on this one. I have those dreams too about the tornados, mostly mine are about me losing my kids during the tornado and i wake up terrified cuz i can't find them so of course i hafta go check and make sure they're safe and sound in bed:) It always seems so real.
All our friends around here know how i am with storms and they think its funny cuz it doesn't bother them at all

09-01-08, 14:25
Hey Panic I Hate Bad Thunderstorms Freak Me Out Had A Phobia Of Them Since I Was A Child ....there Must Be A Shelter Close By If I Was You Just In Case Know Exactly Where Its At I Think That Would Ease Ya Mind Somewhat...what Part Of North Did Ya Live At.......linda Xx

09-01-08, 15:54
Hope the storms have gone away for you. We have some pretty strong winds here today.

09-01-08, 19:45
Well i survived a horrible night of one storm after another then the wind, The wind was horrible, i thought we were gonna blow away. So today i'm on a mission to have a plan of action when we have storms. I think i'll feel better if i have a plan:) I'm not nearly as scared of storms during the day,,,weird:wacko: . And apparently the panic affected my spelling,,,,??whether??,,,i did fix most of the wrong spelling of weather but i guess i can't change the Title, guess thats what i get for not spell checking:blush:

Thanks for the support during my "freak out"