View Full Version : The penalty taker

09-01-08, 04:01
A footballer runs up to take a penalty. The crowd hiss and boo hoping he'll miss. He fires his shot past the post. The crowd go wild!

The footballer thinks to himself, "how did he miss when he'd never missed a penalty before". He begins to doubt his abitities.

The next game he plays in, he has another penalty to take. Yet again he misses. By this time his confidence is sinking lower and lower. He begins to feel he'll never score another goal!

That evening he watches himself on TV. The analysts begin to take him apart saying he's past his best, he's too old, there are far better players around now, he best retire and hang up his boots!

This really angers the footballer and upsets him So much that he feels ready to do as they say and give up. He feels totally useless. He can't believe that he's become past it so quickly but accepts what the analysts have said about him. He begins to really beat himself up knowing how pathetic he is.

On his last game before he announces his retirement, he meets a little boy who is the mascot for the day. The little boy tells him "he was is hero!" That he has videos of every game he played in of all the goals he scored.

The footballer begins to feel guilty. He feels he's letting this little boy down by giving up. The little boy then tells him that he had been seriously ill but the footballer had given him the strength to survive because he admired the footballer so much for his strength.

The footballer begins to think. He starts to think "this boy has come through so much and he's surviving but here's me wanting to give up my career Just because of what others say of me". He realises there are Much more important things in life to worry about than listening to and agreeing with ignorant peoples beliefs of him.

The little boy then makes him think, he's scored So many goals in the past but he wants to give up Just because he's afraid of missing anoher one and all because of his fear of what the analysts and crowd will say and think of him.

But then there's this little boy who has survived so much who looks up to him and has faith in him because to the little boy he is his Hero! No matter what he does, whether he scores or misses, he will Always be his Hero.

The footballer thinks to himself....hmmm...what if I do carry on? Would it really matter so much if I miss again? Should I just give up because others tell me I'm useless or should I try to prove them wrong?

For the sake of the boy he decides to carry on. He goes back to the training ground and practices his technique over and over again. He then understands how he missed the penalty that first game and the bad habit he'd picked up that One day.

The next game he has another penalty. The crowd hiss and jeer him but he slots it in and they win the game! The ignorant crowd are silenced!

That evening he turns on the TV. The analysts have to eat their words saying "Well, we knew he wasn't really past it but he needed a push to regain his confidence" which nearly had the opposite effect.

The footballer then thinks to himself of the little boy who gave him his strength back just by believing in him. He says to himself he will keep fighting until his legs give out and only on that day will he hang up his boots for good.

And there was the little boy in the crowd cheering everything the footballer did because to him, he would always be his Hero because he never gave up believing in himself after one day losing his confidence!:winks: