View Full Version : TFT was a success but now the worry..any suggestions?

09-01-08, 07:41
hey everyone!!!

i went and had some TFT treatment and it was absoloutly fantastic!!!!!!! took all my thoughts away within seconds!!!! i can still remember them but i can no longer dwell and think about them my brain just wont let me. God knows how it works but it does and if ur like me and it was ur last hope give it a try.

But now im worried when i go back for my next session and the lady asks me to think of something thats worrying me or a thought i just cant shake im worried that my mind will think of something else and then i wil never be able to think of that again...for example what if i think of going out clubbing with my friends and then do the TFT and then never want/need to go again!!! or what if i think of driving and the same happens...and i know its easy to say well just dont think of those things think of whats worrying you but because my mind has already thought this what if i just do it????

any suggestions or helpful advice?

thanks guys
tc much love xxxxxxxxxxxx:)

09-01-08, 10:06
Hi Lawzy,

Maybe you could discuss these fears with the person who does the TFT and they can reassure you. I'm sure they understand that sometimes random thoughts pop into our heads when we don't want them too! I bet lots of people have had this worry. Maybe the TFT has a way of only getting rid of negative thoughts, not nice, helpful ones! I'm not sure how it works myself!
I'm glad it helped you though, and good luck with any future treatment.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

09-01-08, 16:50
sorry but whats tft and where can i find info about it


Flinty x

09-01-08, 17:17
Flinty - it is Thought Field Therapy so have a google of that.

09-01-08, 18:32
Dont worry at all about it- TFT or EFT can be used for everything only if you want it treated - I still get anxiety but tap away on the points when it comes back in some situations. Love Wenjoy x