View Full Version : Church and religion

09-01-08, 11:04
Now i only ever go to church on christmas eve with the kids to show them what christmas is all about , but when im there, and i might sound strange but i feel safe .

I wondered if any health anxiety sufferers had ever turned to church as a way out ??

I have been thinking wether i would be happier if i went to church every sunday and had someting to believe in.

The biggest thing when you suffer health anxiety is the fear of death, i wonder if you actually looked at death from a different point of view (I.E GOD) and perhaps got it into your mind that death perhaps isnt so bad would we still feel as anxious,

like i said im not generally religious in anyway but i do think it would be great to positively believe in something that would make you feel safe and well, and perhaps if the worst came to the worst at least you wouldnt be afraid of death ..

What do you guys think


09-01-08, 11:11
Hi Flinty,

I too used to feel like this to the extent that I became a scout leader in our church 6 years ago and am still there although the god thing disappeared lol. My mother-in-law is a devout christian and always lectures us on you need to be saved to get to heaven. My motto in life is do onto others as you'd like doing to yourself sure isnt it one of the ten commandments so thats godly enough eh lol. :hugs: xxx

09-01-08, 11:15

I went through a stage when i used to go to church like you i felt safe and that nothing was going to happen to me, but i think it was just a phase, i think i was just looking for reassurance. i was never into going to church but thats not to say i dont beleive in going to church or beleive in my faith but i know now i dont need to go all the time in order for me to be safe.

take care


09-01-08, 12:07
If you truly believe, that hope can help a lot. I can see why it works for people. It's the ultimate self-help group - weekly meetings, friendly faces, support, and a big book of comforting words!

09-01-08, 12:39
There are many who beleive there are three facets to mental health i) the physical (i.e. -chemical imbalances), ii) the emotional (i.e. - scarring from your past), and iii) the spiritual (i.e. -the need to beleive in a greater power to fill a void). If you fail to address any one of these three through the healing process it can slow or hinder your healing. I am a Christian and have sought assistance from prayer and the bible. The help is there however, at my worst moments when the anxiety has me pinging off the walls I must say it is difficult to concentrate on prayer and reading. One of the things about Christianity is that "God is love" and for those of us that suffer from depression that can often be the hope we need to beleive in. In my opinion beleiving in and participating in the active worship of a higher power certainly can't hurt your healing progress as long as you don't follow a cult.


09-01-08, 13:29
I had a terrible time in Church years ago and never went back, I got married in one ;).

Seriously though chap, for everyman a religion, and although I am not religious myself, I can understand why people take comfort from it.

I think it is a very personal thing, and I would never criticise anyone for believing in any form of mainstream religion.

I am not so keen with those who preach though, as I do not believe that you are automatically good because you are religious or vice versa.

At the end of the day bud, if religion gives you comfort and relief then that's got to be a positive.



09-01-08, 14:08
I Flinty Myself Havent Been To Church Latley But Always Found Comfort There But Your Home Can Be A Church Also Im A Christian So I Have Alot Of Faith And Try To Let Go And Give To God....he Does Give Me Strength No Denying That With Out Him In My Life Tbh I Wouldnt Be Here....................linda Xxx

09-01-08, 15:04
Thanks guys for your opinions, i would never be a person that went to church and felt i need to preach what i learned , i would do it for my own positive beliefs and like you say the hope to fill my void with something that would help me feel strong and safe , i will definitely be giving it some consideration, i also dont want to go for selfish reasons as i know i have to give to recieve.

thanks again

Flinty X

09-01-08, 15:18
I unfortuantely get panicky in church. I think it is because for years and years I would pray constantly during church that my dads health would stay good and then he died at 40 so I felt really disappointed and almost let down in a way.
I do still try to attend, especially for my childrens baptism, communion etc but I think if its a safe place for you then defintely use it!

09-01-08, 16:46
I am a strong follower of a religion, it does help me in my own special way, I don't think that I am safe from everything out there but I just pray I will get the strength should anything arise to deal with it.

09-01-08, 17:12
Hi Alison, very sorry to hear about your dad. I always think it's a great shame when people feel let down like that, because we don't always get what we pray for when He has other plans... "mysterious ways" etc.

I believe sh** happens and I don't think we're immune to it just because of our beliefs. Life just goes on, bad stuff gets thrown at all of us (believers or not), we don't get preferential treatment... just extra strength to deal with it, hope and comfort. New insights come to us during prayer. That's the way I see it.

I reckon there's a bit of God in all of us, the Holy Spirit part of The Trinity if you like - our humanity - and that manifests itself here as everyone's willingness to try to help.

all the best

10-01-08, 16:17
I also find my religion a comfort. At night when I have had a bad day and not so good things have happened to me, or I have been panicky I pray. I tell God my troubles and ask His help. It may seem silly to some, but I feel it helps me.
Whatever I say to Him, however silly it may seem, I know he wont judge like some people will. Also sometimes when you feel like I do I have been in a position where I dont think anyone in the entire world can help me, God is there.
Good luck.
Sue x

10-01-08, 17:29
Heya flinty,

I'm not real religious either but have to go to mass once a month this year as my lil boy is making his communion and i have to say i found it calming and peaceful.


Keep your heart open to dreams,
For as long as there's a dream,
There is hope,
And as long as there's hope,
There is joy in living.