View Full Version : First time post, think i'm suffering from Anxiety

09-01-08, 15:00
My story, I have always been a "pull your socks up" type of guy. I have never felt like this and i am really down and scared. It all started about 1 month ago , out for a run which I enjoy at least once per week. As I was half way round my route I suddenly started to panic, sweaty hands, feeling out of control, and generally unwell. I thought I was suffering some sort of heart failure. I called for an ambulance and was taken to hospital. I had an ECG done and numerous blood tests which were all negative. Since this moment I have put my life on hold. After another 2 visits to A and E and 3 visits to my GP I am still unable to accept that there is nothing wrong with me. I shake quite a lot and have pains in my cheast and arm which I have been told are referred. At no point on my run or at home shaking have i ever passed out like i feel i am going to do.

After considering a strategy of recovery I decided to search the web for a solution to my panic. I have looked at CBT treatment and herbal methods.

I feel like life has stopped, I keep on telling myself that I am alive and well but I cannot stop these feelings. I have became totally selfish, engulfed in my own existance. I keep telling myself to take a step back from my worrie but I find I worrie about worring(If that makes sence). Any responce to similar feelings and different treatments would be a great help


09-01-08, 15:09
Hi there, welcome to the forums.
It's all very new and scary to you, with just 1 month of experience of it, but many people do successfully find their way out of it, let me assure you of that - it can be done... so don't give up hope! Have a good look around this site and you'll find a lot of helpful stuff.
take care

09-01-08, 15:11
First of all Welcome, there are great people in here that help immensely! But I am sorry that you find yourself needing to be here.
Anxiety is evil. Plain and simple. It happens when not expected, can happen for no reason to absolutely anyone without an explanation.
CBT is a good way to start for sure. Has your docotr mentioned any meds to help the anxiety or are you trying to avoid them?
I have been fighting with this for 15 years now and I have good days and bad days. I had a really bad night last night for example so now its affecting my day.
It can get in the way of your relationships and so much more so the sooner you find thinks that work for you the better.
I use relaxation CD's, go on the treadmill, take ativan if it gets to be too much and take Paxil on a regular basis. I also see a therapist. All of that helps in its own way but the panic still happens. All I can do is hit each day with a good attitude and hope that things will be ok.
I am sure others on here will have lots of advice for you as well!!

09-01-08, 15:21

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

09-01-08, 15:23
I have not discussed prescribed drug treatments with my GP, I would not want to initially go down that route. I would love to get on a treadmill but that seems to be what I am scared of. Any form of physical exercise that causes my heart to beat fast makes me feel unwell, out of control and how I did on my run. I feel like this event has triggered the knock on effect. yesterday I decided to pick up some shopping and on the way back I could feel all the same feelings of dread , anxiety, morbid thoughts that felt so real. I feel like I am constantly wanting to go back to the GP for nothing other than reassurance.

09-01-08, 15:27

CBT could be the way forward for you as it helps you to change your way of thinking, speak to your doctor about if they have CBT courses in your area

Trac xx

09-01-08, 15:28
I hear you. I have seen my doctor 15 times in 3 months and I think he is getting frustrated with me. But sometimes I need the reassurance in order to get along in a day.
Does all exercise cause you to feel like this? What about something more low key? Yoga or Martial arts of some sort??

09-01-08, 15:39
It is definately something to consider, thanks. I have the same feeling about visiting my GP, up until this point in life I could count the number of times I have been to my GP on one hand. Now I feel I am always thinking or contemplating calling just to see if they have made an error or something. Its a strange one to digest as I never used to think twice about playing sport of running. Now I feel like there is a massive weight on my shoulders. I keep telling myself you are still here writing this but It does not help.

09-01-08, 15:49
I know that feeling. After the night I had I should just realize that I got through it and am still here and forget about it but I cant. I still worry about what happened, why it happened etc

09-01-08, 16:14

My first panick attack happened when i was 19 on the way to a resturant, came totally out of nowhere, i had visited this place many times and told my partner at the time to take me to hospital. I calmed down and got over it but went to gp who said panick attack.

I was ok until nov 2007 when i had sudden attack of racing heart and feelings of agitation irritability and didnt know what to do with myself. My ecg's and blood tests also all normal...i now suffer with anxiety and panick attacks. I worry alot about how much i worry...what you said completely makes sense! What i hate is that i have managed to control it with self talk and have been getting on with my life, then last night i suffered the same again...now im anxious that its going to happen again. Just trying to tell myself im still here, im ok but its a horrid feeling. My doc gave me propranolol a half beta blocker to take at my very worst which help me alot.

Cassi xxx

09-01-08, 19:09

This is almost how my symptoms started 5 months ago. i got home from work and just had a massive loss of energy like id lost all blood sugar. i was shaking panicking etc. i had these for weeks after until they got a bit better but 5 months on i still feel awful even if i have managed to return to work.

Todays been awful felt weak all day and shaky have eaten loads but still always feel like my blood sugar has dropped and im going to pass out. i also have a metalic taste which seems to come from the back of my mouth near top back teeth!

im seeing a cbt therapist tommorow and i hope she can help! trouble is i still dont believe its anxiety as i feel so relaxed at times but sooooo tired i can hardly walk!

good luck

09-01-08, 19:46
Hi Jon and welcome

Have a good read of the website pages on the left as well - the symptoms page is very good as it explains why we get these odd feelings.

Lovely to see you here anyway.

09-01-08, 20:34
I agree Jon, It is hard to accept that these sensations are a product of anixety. My GP explained that my lack of energy could be down to changes in diet to accomidate. She also pointed out how much time I am devoting to Anxiety , this in its self will make you tired.

Was it easy going back to work, or was it something you felt you had to do?

09-01-08, 20:44
i tried to go back to work 2 or 3 times and each time id last a few days and then have to go home as had a low blood sugar attack.

then i had a 2 week holiday which was ok as far as symptoms went and i rested but ive been back at work 5 weeks now and i feel im going backwards all the time. yes this may be anxiety but i still think its to do with either my liver or endocrine system as thats what controls energy!

anxiety is an easy option for the docs. we know our bodies and ive never been ill in 33 years so in not a hypochondriac i just dont feel anxious except when im shaking on the floor feeling im loosing control and about to pass out. its so scary!

10-01-08, 01:12
Hi Johnathon

Your post is the same as me except mine was in the gym lifting weights. I was lifting a heavier than normal wait and suddenly I felt a funny pain in my peck muscle and so I stopped doing what I was doing and put the weights down thinking I had pulled something. I had felt a bit shocked at the time and slowly I wound up my work out and felt a bit lightheaded. That is when I started to panic , I went down to have a shower and get dressed and I felt really spacey. I felt as if I wasn't there. I rushed to get out of there and since I ahve not been back to the gym. I have started walking again but generally I have protected myself and after admittin myself to the hospital and all the tests coming back clear, I still cannot bring myself to do any serious cardio workout. The problem is I used to run and enjoy it. The longer I dont do a cardio workout the worse I feel and the unhealthier I feel which then becomes self perpetuating. I know know I have to prove to myself that what the tests show is right. I need to do a cardio workout again. Everytime I go for another test and they take my BP they say oh its up slightly, this makes me worry that they have missed something and so I start at the beginning again. I joked with the doc last time when asking for a range of heart tests, I said " I will probably be back next month with something wrong with my leg" How right I was, I am now thinking I have some thing wrong with my digestive tract (guts) as I get shooting pains in a localised area. I know they can be very common symptoms with anxiety but my mind will not let it lie. I am know having tests for that now....will it never end...Anyhow I will stop going to the doctors for reassurance as it is feeding my anxiety. I want to de -sensitise my body so that the aches and pains I get do not snowball in my mind.

Anyhow I WILL get on top of it soon.

Good luck,,,just through everything at it early and you should be able to stop it now.

good luck


10-01-08, 09:33
Hi Meewah, thats exactly how I feel. All tests have been done showing no negative results. I am the same I love my sport, such a frustration. Although I have have been dealing with my worrie for a short time compared to some others I am totally fed up. I know it sounds strange but I don't feel like the same person I was a few weeks back. I was even going to run next years london marathon!!

It is just a vicious cycle, down, decause your not enjoying exercise, which leads to frustration because you feel you will become unhealthy. But the reverse , down ,because you remember how you felt in the gym etc or in my case out for a run.

I am going to see a herbal expert, Jan de Vries. He has been recommended by a friend who was suffering depression. I'm willing to give anything a shot.

I'm like you , there is no way I'm going to allow myself to give in to this.

10-01-08, 10:46
hi john,

my first panic attack happened at home in the bathroom and then like you i went to A&E thought i was going to die loads of blood tests and they told me it was anxiety. 3 more trips to A&E and numerous visits to the docs i couldnt accept there was nothing wrong with me. i couldnt stay in my house for more than 30 mins at a time becuase i associated it with panic attacks, and that is what you are doing regarding your running, going on a treadmill etc, you are telling yourself that becuase your panic attack happened when you were running that its going to happen again, you have got to keep doing it, becuase if you dont you are letting the bully get you. anxiety/panic is like a school bully and will get you but you have got to fight back and keep doing the things you used to do. you are in the early stages and its good that you are doing things to find out about it a lot of people live in fear for years as they do not know what it is.

you will always find help mon here and dont feel anyone will judge you as we have all suffered like you are now

take care


10-01-08, 19:06
Hi Guys

Following my previous threat i have made a real breakthrough today which i want to share with you as you have the same symptoms i have had.

I have seen a clinical psycologist who is excellent (and expensive) but worth every penny she says as i thought that it is very likey that i have an virus of the nervous system and she has told me to look at a condition called Benign Fasiculation Syndrome.

I have now got an appointment with a neurologist on 25th Jan for a consultation and will probably have an MRI to see if this is the problem.

I have searched for 5 months for an answer to my symptoms as ive never really believed it was anxiety. i was anxious because i didnt know what was wrong with me.

Anyway look up this condition and see what you think.

Funny enough people who exercise heavily are suseptible to this condition!

12-01-08, 19:18
Hi John

What came first the shaking or the panic? With me the fear came and the symptoms followed. Classic anxiety.

Sounds possible, I have had the shakes. I used to wake up in the middle of the night in a panic attack and then I would shake like I was cold, only had that on two occassions and only at the peak of my anxiety. The main symptoms now are palpatations,Tightness around the forehead, muscle soreness, a strange feeling of dread. The problem is when you have fear of fear. Your mind tells you that the symptoms point to a problem which causes more symptoms and so the merry go round goes on indeffinately. I assume you are shaking almost all the time?

I would agree with ruth. If you are convinced you have this condition then there is nothing to fear in going for a run.

My mind keeps on telling me to listen to the symptoms which are a continous background hum. My mind keeps saying "yes that must be it" and off to the docs I go. Because the doc knows I have Health Anxiety he always refers me for tests just to reduce the anxiety, only problem after 20 various tests I have got no futher understanding of what is wrong, yet my mind keeps on saying something life threatning is wrong with me. I have to say I have stopped going to the doctors now as I have concluded that it is feeding my anxiety. The problem is we are programmed with a very basic and primitive skill to realise when our life is threatened and this has been triggered. This is fine if you can still assess your situation rationally. I dont know who is able to think rationally after the fight or flight response has been triggered. We have no definate object to blame the response on so we internalise it to our symptoms and once you start that the symptoms get worse and so the cycle begins fear of fear. Dr claire weekes book has been a inspiration to many and it tells you to float with the symptoms.

I hope you get answers soon. I have started walking quiet a lot. I need to face my fear that I might have a heart attack when exercising. Slowly but surely.

Good Luck.


12-01-08, 22:28
Good luck to you too, I'm starting to convince myself that life must go on, I really think this is an important part(Just hard to keep up these thoughts all the time)

My parents tell me to think of the bigger picture, history, events, land features, I don't know why but it seems to help a little.
