View Full Version : What you have had VS. What you fear

09-01-08, 15:16
Just wondering what everyone has feared the most versus what they have acutally had happen.

Feared the most for me is: Heart attack, stroke, brain tumour, pancreatitis, any heart problem at all, breast cancer, ovarian or cervical cancer

The things that I have actually had happen are: tonsils taken out, appendix taken out, cyst taken off my ovary, acute pancreatic attack, IBS, severe high blood pressure following pregnancy.

How about you?

09-01-08, 19:26
I have worried and thought I have had lots of serious things.

Brain Tumour ~ actually tension headaches
Breast Cancer ~ fatty tissue
MS/Stroke ~ anxiety
Lump under armit ~ this went with period
gall bladder problems ~ indigestion
forgetfulness/alzimers ~ anxiety
heart problems ~ pulled muscle in my chest

These are the ones I can think of, off the top of my head, I am sure there was plenty more. The majority of them were after the birth of my son when I was suffering from Post Natal Depression, that was when it was at its worst, now it comes and goes.

09-01-08, 19:36
Hmmmm, Good Question!

I've feared: Heart attack, Stroke, All cancers cept of course the "male" cancers, Brain Tumors, Blood clots, I'm sure there's more:wacko:

What i've had: Gall stones (gallbladder removed), Kidney stones, 2 ectopic pregs, Endometriosis, pcos, Ibs, & high blood pressure.
When i was preg. with my first i feared a c-sect and at about 36weeks i had placenta previa and had to have emergency c-sect but everything turned out great:D

09-01-08, 22:31
What ive had- Pancreatitis
What I fear- Heart Attack, Stroke, Aneurysm, Any Kind of Cancer, Pulmonary Embolism, Blood Clot- Probably all Anxiety/Depression Related

Does anyone else get vague chest pains that don't seem related to panic or coronary problems? Could this be Acid Reflux?