View Full Version : not sure

Hope 2
10-01-08, 01:03
hello to all .............. especially those who took the time to reply to my intro thread . i thought i had replied to you all but now i realise that i possibly didn't . have tried again but still not sure im doing it right . do you reply to each message individually or does it automatically go to everyone on the "list " ????
thats the bit im stuck with !

thanks in advance x :blush:

10-01-08, 17:14

On the forums if you reply to your original thread once and thank everyone for posting that's what most people do.

Take care,

Mike :)

10-01-08, 19:59
Hi there

One reply will suffice and everyone can read it in the thread.

You are getting there so don't worry too much ok?

Hope 2
10-01-08, 21:55

thanks for that info .
will try again !
