View Full Version : A little advice/support

10-01-08, 10:08
Hi everyone, This is just my second post for discussion. If you want to read my reason for posting first time round it is on Health Anxiety. However after reading quite a few posts now i'm not sure if it is exactly Anxiety or depression or a cycle of the two. Although my experience has only been 1 month long , I feel like the physical make up has somehow been changed. I have lost interest in football for example but more worring interest in trying to better myself in life. (By the way I used to always watch every football match I could find).

It feels so strange to me, waking in the morning hoping I felt like I did a month ago. My lady of love in my life has became the rock in our relationship. Again another thing to worrie about. Questions like what if she does not like the new me??

I have read through CBT like the Lindon method and found it interesting but I need to spend more time on that if it is going to benefit me, I think???

I'm really just wanted to start this forum as a feeler, all these experiences are new to my body , yes I have been down in the dumps before but always managed to pick myself up.

I am not taking any medication for depression or anxiety, but like others from what I have read I am always fighting to cover up how I feel inside.

To give you my current situation, I am signed off my work. I just wanted to try understand if people just work through these symptoms or work from home or what your situation is.

10-01-08, 10:37
hi there,

sorry to hear you are not feeling too good at the moment. A lot of people get mistake anxiety for depression and vice versa, but i had a combination of both. because i had the anxiety and my life was not normal to what i had been like in the past it then got me very depressed, i would cry at anything, i coulnt sleep, i was irritable, i wouldnt take care of myself.

i think its good that you are recognising the syptoms and you are trying to help yourself, maybe you should consider and anti depressent, i know a lot of people do not like taking them but i can only speak from experience and they did help me.

take care


10-01-08, 13:56
Hi ya

Have you considered seeing a therapist?

Its great that you have a supportive partner. But I would disagree to a certain with what you said about her liking the "new you". I dont believe we change as such, our ways of thinking may change and things that seemed important to us may not be so important now, or we dont have the energy to engage with these things. But us as people have not changed.

I've suffered with anxiety for about 14 years now. I'm still the same person I was "all those years ago" :) its just now I stress about things, get anxious, and go through periods of losing interest in things I would normally love doing. The real me is still there, its just fighting to come out on top again :D

I have never taken medication. Mainly because I am very wary of it but there have been times where I really wanted to go to my GP and ask for some. I think stubborness stopped me from doing it.

Maybe you should see your GP if you think medication could help - in any case they should be able to refer you for therapy. I'm a firm believer in talking through things and getting stuff off your chest xxx

10-01-08, 14:55
It is something i am currently looking in to, do you need a referral from you GP?

10-01-08, 15:01

You can get therapy either via referral from your GP or privately. However if you choose to go privately then make sure that the therapist is BACP registered. Unfortunately there appears to be a waiting list for NHS therapy – but going private really depends on the individual circumstances.