View Full Version : having a bad day

10-01-08, 12:41
i just feel ill today, sort of nauseated but cant put my finger on it.

im getting a cold too which may explain things but cant help thinking i have cancer due to feeling tired, sick and now 2nd cold in a month...low white cell count maybe, am i worrying too much


10-01-08, 12:55
Hi Cassie :hugs: Yes you are worrying too much hun but who am I to tell you not to worry when already today I've diagnosed 2 cancers and its only lunchtime :wacko: Theres an awful lot of colds and flu going around at the mo and its hard to shift so I'm sure thats all thats wrong with you petal :hugs: xxx

10-01-08, 13:17
Hi there..

For the last week or so i have felt really nauseous, tired (but thats normal for me). I've not been ill, but the feeling is there from morning to night. I'm not anxious either. I get this from time to time and also diagnose myself as being pregnant, which i am definitely not!!!!!


10-01-08, 13:29
Hi Cassie, I get days like that and have had a sucessions of colds and sore throats recently think it's just this horrrrrable weather atm. I hate having crappy days hope you managed to feel better soooon :hugs: :flowers:
