View Full Version : nausea even when not anxious

10-01-08, 12:50

I would not say that i am anxious today, i am getting a cold - very unpleasant, but i feel nausea quite alot today. sometimes i gag but cannot actually be sick!

Does anyone else experience symptoms like nausea even when you're not actualy feeling anxious?

Cassi xxx

10-01-08, 13:26
I think this is a classic symptom of Anxiety, and i get it periodically out of the blue, i have even woke up with it in the middle of the night, it's hard to believe that the mind can do this! i just have extra strong mints, walk about, deep breaths, and try and distract myself.

Take care

10-01-08, 19:30
hi cassi
yeah me too hun i have had nausea quite alot latetly so i know how you feel
i went to the docs and got some meds for it but i,m sure that yours will soon wear off
they say that ginger helps too you can get this from any herbal remedy shop if you,d rather try something herbal
hope this helps

10-01-08, 22:25
Hi Cassi,

I've had loads of problems with nausea even when not feeling particularly anxious so you aren't alone. The thing I found that helped the most was to try and distract yourself with something else. I also try and tell myself that I am not really nauseous, it's just my mind making me think I am because of anxiety.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-01-08, 00:00

I get the EXACT same thing. I feel nauseous every few weeks for no particular reason, but have been checked out and nothing's wrong. I think it's the result of a strained nervous system that hasn't quite recovered and gets set on edge as a result of subconscious stuff that you might not even realize is bothering you. I take strong mints and tonic water as well. Seems to help some.

Hope you feel better!


17-01-08, 15:57
I know the feeling completely, its one of the main things i suffer from as a side effect of the disorders, I feel constantly sick, i get indigestion alot, the things i use to cope with it are rennies, simple as, i carry rennies on me 24/7 because they help me alot, sometimes it can be pretty intense so if i dont have a rennie, its litterally crippelling, i cant do anything caus i feel so bad, not even sleep it off.