View Full Version : Horrible anxiety

10-01-08, 14:12

I am no stranger to anxiety and usually post in the Health Anxiety section. However, in the past few months I have had increasing problems with anxiety and depression. At pesent I am on Prozac 20mg a day and I think it's making the anxiety worse - or at least it seems worse since I started taking it about 5 weeks ago.
I am seeing my GP for advice and a possible change of medication this evening - a friend of mine (a consultant psychiatrist no less :) ) suggested Citalpram or Sertraline might be better for my depression as he feels they don't have the same horrible anxious side effects (he said Prozac was notorious for making anxiety feel worse).

I don't have any health issues I am worrying about at the moment although a panic attack I had on Monday convinced me I was dying.
Logically I know I am being illogical - trouble is the logical part of me doesn't always win through.
Sitting here now feeling apprehensive and nervy - like something's about to happen even though I know it isn't.:weep:

Would I be better taking Buspar instead?

10-01-08, 14:31

I too have been suffering from anxiety and depression, have had one course of CBT and after a set back have commenced citralopram along with another CBT course. I understand from my doctor that Citralopram can be particularly beneficial for those that suffer from both.

I have started on 10 mg for a week (to rise to 20mg this weekend). I started taking them whilst I was on holiday and did not have too many side effects then. However since coming back and coming back to work (where my PA and GAD started) I have felt just as anxious if not more so (this may however be because of coming back to work – my therapist said probably 90% of the country feel down when going back to work after hols). Also apparently the effect is not immediate and it may take up to one month to feel the benefits.

There are some pretty horrific stories of side effects in the medication forum, however please remember that the majority of people suffer minimal side effects and it is only the small minority who suffer badly and who therefore post on the forum.

I have not tried Prozac so do not know how this works with anxiety and depression.

Good luck.


10-01-08, 14:46
I don't have any health issues I am worrying about at the moment although a panic attack I had on Monday convinced me I was dying.
Logically I know I am being illogical - trouble is the logical part of me doesn't always win through.
Sitting here now feeling apprehensive and nervy - like something's about to happen even though I know it isn't.:weep:

Hi Amanda

I dont have any advise in terms of medication but what you said above rang a bell with me as I've discussed this with my counsellor.

He said to me that logic doesnt come into it, but when you feel it so deeply, that's what you perceive to be real. When I am convinced of certain things and then realise its not what I thought after all, its so scary because it makes you realise how out of control you can become in terms of your thoughts.

I can totally relate to you feeling apprehensive about something about to happen even though you know it isnt. Its hard to convince yourself otherwise isnt it.

I'm sure the CBT will help you - I think that's what I will be doing after my counselling.


10-01-08, 20:13
Hi all,

I saw my GP this evening and he has taken me off Prozac and prescribed Venflaxine instead. My GP is also quite "alternative" and has given me the name of a psychic healer who helped his (the GP's) wife with anxiety. In addition he's given me some Diazepam as a short term emergency treatment.

I am interested in doing some CBT but there's a year's wait here so I might look and see how much it is privately.

Anyone else had Venflaxine?