View Full Version : My name is Winter, I just joined today

10-01-08, 17:37
Hey everyone, my name is Winter, I am 20, I was cruising the net and came across this forum, I decided to join because I felt that it would really help me out a lot.

It started out the first time I tried Marijuana, (which I don't do anymore by the way, everyone tries this sometime in their life haha) The first thing that happened is I felt very worried and paranoid, then I started thinking about my heart and how much faster it was going, it started to really freak me out, the more I thought about it the faster it would go and the more scared I was about my health. My friends kept telling me "dont worry, you wont die" and so after about an hour I just began to relax and calm down, I figured it was just the effects of the drug that happened to a certain unlucky few.

Everything was very normal from then on, I tried smoking again one more time, same effects of panic and light headedness, and everything looking all "spacey" like everything is floating.

Yesterday, after eating some chinese food with my parents, I began feeling strange and worried at the table. We got in the car and on the drive back home I just layed down and tried to relax. When we got home, I went to my room and it started happening. My heart beat starting getting faster, everything was getting spacey, I was thinking to myself "oh my god, I didnt smoke anything and this is happening again, something is wrong with me"

I went downstairs, my dad is a doctor, mom is a nurse, they calmed me down, after about 30 minutes it went away. My dad told me that I probably had a panic attack. First time I tried going upstairs I started freaking out again. After going into the restroom, I just looked in the mirror and told myself "theres nothing wrong with you"

It was a big relief to know that it was just a panic attack and not something else doing it to me. Its weird because Im a very brave guy and nothing really bugs me, stresses me out, bothers me at all. But the thought of my vision getting "spacey" was my biggest fear. When it starts, thats the FIRST thing that happens to me, everything seems to zoom out and get all floaty and stuff.

I hope that some people can perhaps relate with me here in this. :-)

Its kind of hilarious to me though, I never thought I would end up being a person who would suffer from something like panic/anxiety attacks, I gues its just another hit to the groin from life's baseball bat.

I am definitely going to be posting on here regularly when things happen and so we can all help each other with our problems,


10-01-08, 18:20

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

10-01-08, 18:32
Hi and a big warm welcome.

love Sandyjane xxx

10-01-08, 19:56
Hi Winter

Lovely to see you here so :welcome: aboard and I hope we can be of some help.

10-01-08, 21:44
Hi Winter and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-01-08, 01:44
Welcome!!! I was just surfing one night and found this place as well. I am extremely happy I did and hope you feel the same!

11-01-08, 04:04
Hi Winter,

Glad you have joined us. This panic thing can hit anyone, I never thought it could get me either but there you go.

All the best

11-01-08, 11:03
Hi Winter,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

11-01-08, 12:43
Hello Winter And Welcome To The Site I Wish You Well.....linda

11-01-08, 14:26
Hi Winter,

Welcome to the Forum!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.

Best wishes,

11-01-08, 14:41
Hi Winter, Welcome to the Forum :hugs: Lovely name by the way!
