View Full Version : What does this sound like?

10-01-08, 18:09
For the last week i have been feeling beyond nauseous. Constant nausea in fact from the minute i get up to the minute i go to sleep. Thank God, sleep has not been interrupted.

Today, however its got worse. I have felt sick, again, but also i had a bad belly (lower area, intestinal), gurgling and rumbling, pain in my lower left side, constantly needing to poop AND pee. I've pooped about 5 or 6 times and i am peeing on the hour as well as when i am doing the "other". I've been farting rather a lot too. (Did i just give too much information?...lol)

I am worried that i have "THE BUG". I am scared to eat and i don't want to drink my usual cuppas either in case it is the bug.



10-01-08, 19:15
I think this "bug" thing is only supposed to last 24/48 hours, so had you had that it should have been and gone with a bit of luck.

Could it be IBS do you think:blush:

Hope you feel well soon:)