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View Full Version : What is the point of all these drugs?

10-01-08, 19:49
Dear All,

I just need to bit of simple support. My meds have been increased (Mirtazapine!) and I am now experiencing a truly huge amount of anxiety. The Doctor's answer is to put me on the dreaded Valium! Now I am not only overly anxious but spaced out as well. Try as I might there is no CBT on offer just more drugs! I begin to think that the answer might be to invest heavily in Pharmaceuticals!!!!!


10-01-08, 20:05
I have to say that meds never worked for me but CBT did.

Why are they saying they can't give you CBT? You can wave the NICE guidelines at them in that case!

Have a hug from me :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

There are loads you can do for yourself as well - have a read of the First Steps post on the left.

10-01-08, 21:55
Waiting, meds and all that can be so frustrating can't it. Have some hugs from me bud. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

Granny Primark
10-01-08, 21:57
big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

My sister in law took valium for years and had major probs trying to come off them.
If you live in my area theres a waiting list for cbt of at least 18 months.
The support and encouragement ive recieved from friends family and this site is at last begining to help me get my life back.

I would be very nervous about taking valium. surely there is something else that you could be prescribed..
Heres wishing you loads of luck.

Take care

15-01-08, 23:36
I am truly touched by your messages of support! It really has helped me over a difficult crisis to know that I am not alone. A VERY BIG virtual hug to you all.:)

16-01-08, 00:11
Hello there Papageno
Hi there i also can't get CBT on NHS however long i wait, although it's worked for me in the past?
Iv'e heard of the NICE guidelines but don't think they would make much diffrence would they??
So i'm doing it myself through what i've been taught before however there are online courses like "living life to the full" and No Panic do a telephone CBT course as well if you become a member which isn't expensive.
And self help books too.
Good Luck Richie xxx