View Full Version : just wondering

01-03-05, 13:32
well i havent had a panic for a couple of weeks, been really positive but in the back of my mind at the moment i recon i must be due! it does my head in, im noticing every sensation in my body so, i didnt sleep well last nigh, nor the night before, kept waking sweating thinking im going to have another! it makes me feel low, [xx(]
i was wondering though, i dont know what started my panics off, but i do remember always being an anxious child with a vivid imagination! do you reckon that could be why im the way i am now?

01-03-05, 13:55
hi kimmy, I doont realy know where it comes from I am 56 and remember when i look back I was an anxiouse frightened child too. so scared of needles dentists hospitals etc. but the real bad panic attacks started at about 15. I did get lots better and had many years of a good happy life. I am not afraid of needles anymore but still and always have been terified of dentists. I also lost the hospital fear for years but thats back now. I was to have eye surgery and i keep cancelling even knowing it cold give me much better life if it improves my sight. I do get the night sweats even when not anxious, I dont know if i am dreaming, that i cant remember but wake soaked Most nights. I have tried most things but this time round I have found that doing relaxation every morning before getting up has seemed to help (I even do it when not needed maybe this keeps the anxiety down a bit) Also I find affermations, I keep telling myself over and over I am not afraid and I am happy, I think this together with the relaxation is helpng me quite a bit, I think a lot is down to us telling ourself we are not good enough and thinking fear to much so affermations should retrain the mind to think otherwise?, Well hope u feel better soon, Take Care, Vernon

01-03-05, 14:06
Hi Kimmy

Some people will have always carried some anxiety throughout their lifes, whilst others will only have started suffering to some trauma they have gone through at a stage in their life.

I was always a worrier when i was younger, so i believe it was there to be triggered when my life got too stressful.

I have another friend who suffers from anxiety and was never a worrier or anxious person but due to a trauma in her life she started suffering.

We are all different in how we react to stress and how anxiety affects us.

Well done for doing so well, i know how hard it is trying to be positive but having that What If in the back of you mind. Try to focus on how well you have done.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

01-03-05, 16:43
hi Kimmy,

I think it's different with everyone. I was a very nervous child and I started having panic attacks almost 2 years ago now, when I was 22. I think in my case, the anxiety was there the whole time but I don't think it's the same with everyone..

Sarah :D

01-03-05, 17:29
Hi Kimmy
I don't think I was inherently nervous, but I do remember how my parents dealt (or didn't deal) with my fears. My father was a believer in sweeping fears (and other negative feelings) under the rug and not talk about them. I was coerced many times by him to do things I wasn't completely comfortable with, such as riding a rollercoaster before I was totally convinced it was safe or learning how to swim at my own time. I had lots of anxious feelings as a child that never really were addressed properly. I wasn't told that it was OK to have fears, merely to just forget about them.

01-03-05, 19:24

Like you, I was an anxious child with an over developed imagination & my childhood was not especially happy. I grew up in the 1950's when children 'were seen & not heard' & nobody would have considered a child's mental state. We were just accused of 'being naughty & unmanageable'!
I coped fine as I grew up---until recent years when a series of health related events pushed me into an extreme panic/anxiety state.

I'm sure that the causes & triggers all vary for different people though the resulting symptoms & actual attacks have a great deal in common. For some people it starts in early life, others seem to 'get tripped up' much later.

Hope you start to feel calmer.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

02-03-05, 15:35
hi kimmy, i too was a nervous child and always remember the moments in my childhood that bring back emotions like being scarred, embarresed, nervous etc. At 20 i still get nervous with certain social events and have had extreme problems with sleep for about 3 yrs now. I have been searching for 2yrs to find someone in the profession to help me with sleep disorders but theres nothing round where i live. Im lucky to get medication.

Anyways, only you can find out a trigger to your anxiety. For some its very easy to figure out, others it not too easy. There are many contributing factors