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View Full Version : I'm not sure what kind of responce this will get?

11-01-08, 09:51
I'm sure everyone here has to deal with the good times and bad, right now for me the bad outway the good. I've read a lot of posts about becomming self centered, which I think is accurate.

I also want to point out that i suffer from health related anxiety/depression

So here is my dilema,

My rock of a woman does not think that posting on discussion boards help my specific type of anxiety. She holds firm that you should try and ignore/block out the worrie. Because for me it is a 3 step process, Worrie/Anxiety/depression/more worrie..... and so on.

Her point is that by posting, reading others we are all letting anxiety/worrie be kept fresh in the mind. I feel it helps to relate to others, just her opinion.

I was going to say something daft next like if my form of anxiety was brought on by another device then I would not be posting this, but thats just it!!!

I also want to point out what a great job the team do in keeping these boards maintained, and also for their support.

I want to put this up for discussion.

11-01-08, 11:44
Not that great then!!

If you dont want to post direct you can PM me, just looking for others opinion on this.

11-01-08, 12:23
Hi John

When we have anxiety we do constantly search for answers and the need to gather as much information as we can, whilst this can be seen as productive it can creat further problems because this type of behaviour only feeds the anxiety and worries, However to most of us it is a essential part of the learning/recovery process.

There does come the time however when we need to sit back and put the ignore and dont feed or search for it ball into play and this will happen as and when you feel more comfortable to do so.

I Always found no matter what I was told with regards to reading and searching for answers, that I Never truly listened its almost as though we are driven to fill the gaps that anxiety seems to push on us.

So to some extent your lady is correct but not taking into consideration how much you need to find your own way.....

I hope this helps sweetie



11-01-08, 12:30
def a double edged sword in my opinion ,

reading others problems can feed our own concerns yet we also get alot of relief from reassurance from others .

Some subject i cant read about , so i ignor them if i can cos i know they make me bad.

I think setting yourself 1/2 an hour a day of worry time is good, then close it.

just an idea.:flowers:

11-01-08, 13:38
Hi John,

This is an excellent thread.
I am an alcoholic.I have been sober for nine years.When I first stopped drinking,I sat my ass on a seat in an AA room every night for the first four months.I needed to do that to get a full working knowledge of my condition.Over the years my dependency on AA has lessened but I know it will always be there should I need it.
I believe the same is true for me here.
Knowing I am not alone in fighting my condition gives me comfort and re-assurance.I know I am better able to treat my anxieties by playing an active role in this forum.
Best wishes,

11-01-08, 13:56
I'd rather forget about the whole thing... but as long as I keep thinking about it, I may as well be here and enjoy the company :)

11-01-08, 16:22
Fair point

11-01-08, 19:26

I asked this question too. In my early days with anxiety it freaked me out just looking at "how bad it can become" In my bad days the forum helped. On my good days it just gave me a reality check, not so good.

I found it a little like a googling substitute, find the symptom read it and put it to bed.

Now I think that exposure to anxiety really works. If you were scared of heights the correct way to deal with it is to re-live the fear under controlled circumstances. Why not keep making yourself anxious when you feel good and heighten the anxiety as much as possible and then it will weaken and decay in to insignificance.

Only a theory


11-01-08, 20:16
I think its a good idea to limit the time you spend on here. I became a bit obsessive at first, constantly wanting reassurance that i wasnt alone with this problem, im still checking the posts each day, but only for half an hour or so.
Donna x