View Full Version : new here drowning with dp/dr need advice

11-01-08, 10:00
Hi my name is faith i am 32 married mum of 5 and for he last 3 years i have suffered depersonilsation and derealisim...does anyone else have it and if they do can they please get in touch i just need to know that i am not going crazy...i feel that i am not real everyday...i feel that i am looking through someone elses eyes and that i am not me .....please someone relate i am at my wits end love faith xxx:weep:

11-01-08, 10:40
Hi Faith

Welcome to NMP :)

You are certainly not alone, I'm sure many other people will reply to this thread saying they can relate. I used to get depersonalisation quite a lot but its not as bad right now. It can certainly be frightening but its nothing that will harm you - I think its just the symptom of a tired, fatigued mind.

You will make good friends in here Faith and I'm sure it will help knowing there are other people who can relate to your situation.


11-01-08, 11:02
Hi Faith,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

11-01-08, 12:46
Hello Faith And Welcome You Are Not Alone I Wish You Well.........linda

11-01-08, 13:18
Hi Faith,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

11-01-08, 21:19
Hi Faith and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Depersonalisation and the like are really common symptoms of anxiety so you aren't alone and will meet lots of others here who also suffer. There is some info on it here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms).

Take care,

Mike :)

11-01-08, 21:24
Hi Faith,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

11-01-08, 21:45
hi faith welcome to nmp. god bless you hun you are not alone at all. these are very common symptoms of anxiety. im sure there are things about it on here you can look at to reasure you. my 14 years old daughter has these same problems every day. they will not hurt you in anyway but can be scarey. hope this helps you a little and it would be great to see you in the chat room. take care faith. kellie .

12-01-08, 10:04
hi faith, yes i have had this as well but i found through reading a good book that the best way to stop ANY symptoms is to stop worrying about it. i really know that sounds impossible, but the thing is although unpleasant and very very tiring and worrying (how long will it last, will i feel like this forever, will it make me go mad, is it a sign of madness?????) it hasnt done you any harm yet and it is just a symptom of your intense anxiety, your mind is actually trying to protect you.

this was the symptom that all those years ago for me meant i ended up with an obsession about madness/mental illness!

it isnt any of this, and it does go - try to ACCEPT it for what it is and over time it will get less severe, at which point you will see that the ACCEPTING meant you were secreting less stress hormones and so this feeling can recede, then the more hope you get that it can go the less you will worry about it. say it to yourself over and over even if you dont beleive it, it doesnt matter your brain cant make the distinction between what you tell it and wha tyou really 'feel' - just keep saying ' this is just a symptom of anxiety, i have the evidence that it goes because ive spoke with people who have been through this and they are now better, if i try to relax my breathing and my muscles, my anx levels will go down and this symptom will start to lessen, but until then im just going to ACCEPT it and ignore it as it cant harm me no matter how unpleasant it is!' keepsaying this over and over and you will start to beleive it! you can get there and you can enjoy life again, take care emma

12-01-08, 12:12
Thankyou all so much for replying it is nice to know that there are people out there that understand.....Emma i am becomig obsessed with the thought tha i have a mental illness or a brain tumor....sounds crazy i know anyway thanks again

love faith xx:flowers:

15-01-08, 17:57
Hi Hun, I never had Dp but I suffer from DR, It is very hard to explain this to someone that has never suffered from it. When I first suffered I thought I was going crazy and my GP offered me Prozac which I turned down. This was 18 years ago before the days of Internet so it was hard to speak to (or find) other sufferers. I cant remember who but someone told me to try Vitamin B6 I did so and 2 weeks later I was back to normal. My prob is now it reappears every 5 years or so for no reason, but as soon as it does I take the B6 again and it dissapears. I would just like to know what triggers it in the first place.

15-01-08, 19:17
hi faith i too get this nearly every day and i no its an awful feeling i too thought i was only one till i found this forum you will get some good advice on here and get to speak to some brill people just like ourselfs going through the same thing please feel free to email me at any time from jackie:winks:

15-01-08, 20:35
Hello Faith:welcome: to you!

That really is horrible isn't it? But, you're not alone - there are many who have the same here.

I did for a little while and have every sympathy for those who suffer long term.

Pleased to meet you:hugs:


19-01-08, 17:48
Hi Faith

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

20-01-13, 07:13
Ive had this for a bit and I am currently on citalopram because my dp dr had gotten really bad. My symptoms are pretty bad right now probably the worst they have ever been but i have hope that they will subside once i really learn to no freak out so much. It will be ok and pass eventually.

21-01-13, 21:17