View Full Version : Newbie

11-01-08, 11:12

I am so pleased about finding this site. Most of my friends don't understand how I feel and just say stop worring (if only it was that simple)

I have always been a worrier and health worries have always been on and off but since I had my little boy (nearly 4) it has got a lot worse. I think any symptom is going to lead to cancer be it myself or my little boy.

I am currently awaiting blood test results and a chest X ray. I have had a cough for nearly 8 weeks (I am a non smoker) and I have also got heartburn/intigestion for the first time and am burping a lot and it left me feeling with a burning sensation in my chest when I eat also as if some food was stuck in my gullet.

So off I went to the Dr and told him about the cough and the burping etc so he sent me off to hospital for the x ray, and has put me on some medication for the burning.
But when I got home I googled my symptoms and up came stomach cancer, I am now worried as I appear to have some of the signs of this and am getting very scared.
I am coming up 40 and I know it is unsual at my age but I am always worried that I will be the exception to the rule.

My dr asked if I had any weight loss to which I said no, but i dont weigh myself that often but now looking I think I have lost about 1/2 a stone in the last few months.

Am now very worried about the blood results and if I have lung cancer or poss stomach cancer.

11-01-08, 12:38
Hello Morchie And Welcome Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Info And Support Here I Wish You Well.........linda

11-01-08, 12:44
Hi Morchie,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

11-01-08, 13:29
Hi Morchie,

Wecome to the Forum!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

Your Doctor seems to be very thorough in his approach to you.
You will get loads of support and advice here.The members here tend not to advise Googling for obvious reasons.There is great information available to you through the Main Menu here.
It is good that you are trying to do something positive about your health.Please be patient and I'm sure things will work out fine.
Best wishes,

11-01-08, 21:29
Hi Morchie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Both born worriers and care free people get anxiety so being a worrier is just part of your personality. Your symptoms are very common with anxiety so I'm sure it isn't anything sinister to worry about although it's easier said than done. Have a browse of the forums and you'll realise you aren't alone.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-01-08, 22:18
hiya morchie welcome to nmp. you sound like my twin sister. i was just like you where 5 months ago i had all the tests done for my lingering cough they tested me for ocpd, emphesiymia, asthma, when they all come back neg they asked me to have a chest xray, i fell apart with the worry i had cancer. i lost over a stone in weight and im only slim as it is, i could not eat as i was finding it hard to swallow and my breathing was out of control. i also had terrible acid all the time. my blood test came back all clear and so did my chest xray and im a smoker. im only 37 so i was crazy with worry about it all. my doc told me i was suffering with stress and had developed anxiety and all my symptoms were related to that. i was convinced there was something more to it and the docs were missing it. i googled and found my symptoms and omg what a mistake. then i found here and what a god send this place has been to me. i hope it helps you to hun. come into the chat room and we can chat to you and help. take care kellie.