View Full Version : agitation

11-01-08, 11:38
just wondered if anyone had the terrible symptom of agitation from time to time

i get it and it is so frustrating cus its so out of character so i shout at myself and end up in a terrible panic

just wondered if anyone shared this symptom as it is tearing me apart

any ideas on tackling it



11-01-08, 12:12
hi yes i also feel like that and very iritable and realy agitated i no how you feel tc elaine xxx

11-01-08, 12:45
i also get this hun,

even though it is so incredibly difficult i force myself to lie on my bed and relax. breath in then hold my breath for 2 seconds before exhaling. it seems to work for me but some people find it more helpful to run up and down the stairs.

cassi xxxxx

11-01-08, 15:22
it means so so much to not feel alone

i try to do my meditation but when it is bad nothing seems to work

mine seems really related to my food strangely enough, if i take to long to eat for simple reasons it is at its worst

will def try the deep breating you mention

thanks again
