View Full Version : palpitations???

11-01-08, 13:01
Iv been getting these and i think they are palpitations but im not sure.

i get this weird sensation in my chest, suppose it like flutters, followed by a sinking feeling in my throat and it sorta takes mybreath away, the whole thing lasts literally for 1/2 seconds but can reoccur for upto half hour/hour after.

Are these palpitations? Im going back to docs to request 24 hour tape as cant deal with this anymore, im convinced theres sumthing really wrong with me now.


11-01-08, 13:35
I find the hardest part is to accept the results, I'm don't suffer from major palpitations but anything that makes my heart race I get dizzy and a feeling in my stomach of dread. I've been fully checked out like you, but it is hard to accept.

I found reading this article helped me http://www.stresscure.com/relation/worry.html

11-01-08, 19:48
i am very worried but these are different to my normal palps which is why im stressing, would just like to hear what everyone elses feel like and if similar to my new ones???

12-01-08, 09:56
Those sound exactly like palps Cassi.

Palps (ectopic beats) are really really common, but anxiety sufferers tend to focus on them.

They are harmless, I have had them for a few years and they still kick in now and again, if I have a hangover, stressed or sometimes in the gym.

You should always have any new symptom checked by your GP, but honestly, palps are so common, I wager that a large percentage on here have experinced them.

Good luck



12-01-08, 10:09
these are ectopic beats. we also have tachycardia and palpatations, one is fast heart beat the other is uncomfortable awareness of the heart. i have them all and they have never caused me any probs - the flopping feeling in my throat i dont like but other wise its all a sign youve got ahealthy heart really and just a symtom of anxiety, just ignore it and it goes away, like everything else worryabout it and it gets worse! all the best emma

12-01-08, 16:17
thakyou for replies, my mind has been put a little at ease,i will try my best to ignore them but they really do scare me and till i can get past that my anxiety makes them worse i know.

thanks again cassi23

12-01-08, 17:15
They defintely sounds like palpatations. I went to the hospital once and I was having them constantly for over 6 hours. I was terrified but the doctors and nurses were not concerned at all. They told me that everyone experiences them but anxious people are alot more aware of there body and are more sensitive to feeling things like missed beats etc.
Defintely mention it to your doctor and rule anything out but they are extremely common! And anxiety will make them happen alot more.