View Full Version : A quick question please

11-01-08, 16:37
I was just wondering if anyone can help. Everything i read on anxiety with regard to the strange , irrational thoughts says they are 'what if' this is how mine were but at times today when feeling scared and anxious they have gone from 'what if' to 'i am' giving the fear thought a more positive tone. Is this normal as i'm worried that if i'm believing these awful irrational thoughts now then i still will be even when the anxiety goes, many thanks, Carol.

11-01-08, 16:50

What ifs and I ams (hmm don't think that is really a word!) are all still irrational thoughts, not truths.


11-01-08, 17:27
hi carol what ifs going to i ams are still what they are, just irrational thoughts and nothing more. i know you probley find it hard but they are best ignored. try not to fear them when they come. you will only give them power to keep poppin back. hope this has helped a little and remember thoughts are just that, thoughts, it dont mean you will act on them. take care. kellie .

11-01-08, 21:34
Hi Carol,

I think 'what ifs' are used as the standard irrational thought but they come in all shapes and sizes. Feeling 'I am' are thoughts lots of us have experienced I'm sure, me included!

Take care,

Mike :)

11-01-08, 21:36
I moved your thread to a more relevant forum, I hope you don't mind. :)

13-01-08, 12:05
yes carol today i am saying i am going to have an angina attack, not what if i do

these are just the same and i hope have no real truth

your not alone
