View Full Version : Heart at Night

11-01-08, 16:41
Is anyone else worried about their heart stopping at night?
When I was in the hospital my heart rate would dip down to 33 or less. The docs say my heart is fine, but just slow. Should I be worried? Does anyone else have an abnormally slow heart rate either during the day or at night?

11-01-08, 16:42
And when I say at night I mean while sleeping

12-01-08, 04:33
Don't know what my heart rate is when I'm asleep, but if I'm not doing any thing in the daytime, it's 55 or so.
If the docs think yours is ok, then don't worry about it.

12-01-08, 11:28
I went through a stage where i was terrified i wouldn't wake up, i would keep myself awake for days and felt terrible. I also have a very slow heart rate, but there is not much you can do about it if it is naturally slow.

Jacq x

12-01-08, 16:48
I also had extreme fear that something bad might happen to me while sleeping and I avoided to sleep. After some time I developed panic attacks, and they happened always before sleeping. I started avoiding coffee, tea, everything that might "harm" my hearth. The doctors were persuading me that I will not get a heart attack while sleeping, and I feel bit better now, but I still have fears. Now I understand that it is all in my thoughts but I am still I cooping with it. So you are not alone.

12-01-08, 17:12
When I wore a 24 hour heart monitor my doctor told me that my heart rate goes down quite low as well and I was worried that it was a bad thing. He reassured me and said that the most conditioned and fit adults have normal heart rates in the 30's and do just fine. There is nothing to worry about unless it is causing you problems or symptoms when awake such as faintimg.

12-01-08, 19:41
I really appreciate the support! It makes me feel better that I am not the only one out there. I am just not in that great of shape. I do run 30 minutes a day but I am afraid if I get in better shape than my heart rate will continue to dip. Should I avoid exercise or just keep on living my life? I haven't fainted yet, although sometimes I feel the need to, but I think its just the anxiety getting the better for me. Thank you!

12-01-08, 21:11
Defintely dont stop the exercise!! It is so good for your mental and physical well being!! Having a low heart rate is not a bad thing. THe only time it tends to be symptomatic is if it is a symptom of something else or caused by medicine etc. But just having a low heart rate is a good thing!